A Mouth Full of Peppers | Teen Ink

A Mouth Full of Peppers

October 2, 2018
By kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do what you can't

It’s a chilly autumn day outside in Croatian Park in Milwaukee. The leaves rustled around as my teammates walk confidently back to the clubhouse. Me and my team beat the Wisconsin Serbians team. I smelled the food our parents had cooked from the soccer pitch.

I walked into the sight of a feast of Croatian meals. I spotted out my favorite one. Stuffed peppers. My mom had help make them. I looked over at my dad as a crowd appeared around his grill. I smelled all of the sausages that he made. I went over to my mom and took a plate. I then slammed the stuffed peppers down on the plate as fast as I could. Smelling all of the paprika and the different spices she used gave me a huge smile on my face.I sat down ignoring all of my teammates I was just focused on steaming hot food in front of me.

My teammate Gehl looked at me like I was a starving animal. He asked me if I was alright. I sharply said “yup” with my mouth full of stuffed peppers. I proceeded to shove food into my face as I could. I was starving I had played an intense soccer match.

My mother looked at me and she knew that I was in love with the meal. From then on my mom would make stuffed peppers for me whenever I came home for a soccer game.

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