Oh Me Oh My It's Mickey Mouse! | Teen Ink

Oh Me Oh My It's Mickey Mouse!

September 30, 2018
By celiamattie BRONZE, Auburn, New York
celiamattie BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Picture a 7 year old little girl with bows wrapped in her pigtails, bigger than her tiny little head. She’s traveling to the most magical and innocent place on earth. The scent of Orlando grown oranges, fresh picked flowers, popcorn that had just been popped, and roasted almonds that her Mom always had to buy before starting the journey for the day. Visiting this world of imagination and purity teaches you how to be a kid all over again. My mom would always tell me “Disney brings out the inner child in everyone; it’s a place of pure joy and delight you can’t encounter anyplace else”, and it’s true. Disney World conveys a way to find happiness within the small things in life, in the ways of how innocent children do.

The minute I stepped foot into Magic Kingdom, the sound of music filled my ears with complete and utter bliss. Everywhere I turned, there were children with gobs of candy getting stuffed in their mouths, life size Minnie and Mickey’s signing their love away into tiny papers called “autograph books”. Amusement rides had lines so long you had to walk through them as you passed by. Families, going a little too hardcore, dressed up as characters with face paint, costumes, and all that one can imagine. This place of wonder had a special quality to it, no one had the look of judgement in their eyes. We were all there for one reason, a day of imagination and play for all ages. As the day went about, the sun soon dimmed and the burnt, sweaty people were huddled up waiting for the finale. It was time for the notorious and eminent fireworks. Everyone knew when it was time because ride lines diminished and lines for the light up toys I would beg my parents for, enlarged. The sound of terror-filled bombs followed with colorful lights made the whole sky light up as if it was day time. Cinderella’s gigantic castle had radiant, colorful, flashing lights coming from either side. Tinkerbell flies through the air to distract us as they reload the fireworks. After the display of celebrations, it was time for the frigid, smooth, vibrant ice cream inserted into bowls shaped as the legendary mouse. The scent of homemade, vanilla waffle cones traveled all throughout Main Street, imprinting into my sense of smell. Main Street USA was a straight, long, narrow road leading to the most magical castle and the way home, coming to reality.


Leaving this enchanted place was a despairing plane ride home. Packing the memories up one by one. From the sunshine state to dreary old Upstate New York. Coming home sunkissed and a little burnt, in need already for another return. Disney World became an annual trip with my Mom and Dad, it taught me not only to use my imagination again, but how to find the inner 7 year old little girl in me for years to come.

The author's comments:

I've been going to Disney World almost every year since I've been three. It will forever hold a special place in my heart.

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