My Tree | Teen Ink

My Tree

September 27, 2018
By MarcosQ23 BRONZE, Hemet, California
MarcosQ23 BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Trees are strong, powerful, and hold many branches. My tree has been there forever, well at least as long as I can remember. It has  held up through wind and rain. It holds its branches high up in the air for the world to see. For everyone to look and admire.

One day a branch broke off in a storm, tearing it away from the tree. But it just kept going and growing bigger and bigger as timed passed. Though that branch that broke off would never be back and the spot it was in would never be able to grow a thing.

Spring, summer, fall, and winter the tree kept up. Long and tall for me to see. It had always been there right beside me all along but, I never really seemed to pay much attention to it. I just knew that it was there for me everyday.

During fall it would lose its leaves but I knew that they would always come back in a little while. Spring came around and its leaves came too, but the winter had been rough and made a slit through part of the tree. Branches fell to the cold hard floor, the tree couldn’t hold them up. It didn’t have the same strength it had before. I seemed to have notice that there was a part of the tree that wasn’t growing leaves. I thought that it was going to die. But instead my family and I took care of it and the tree kept on living.

A couple of years passed by and we thought that everything was good with the tree. Fall passed by and it lost all its leaves like usual and now it was winter. Everyone thought that the tree was in good  it just had no leaves because it was winter. But, one day it just died. The tree was dead, it had no more life and most of all it didn’t hold its branches high up in the air anymore.

When the tree was gone everyone was sad all the branches were on the floor and couldn’t get up they felt dead like the tree. After the tree was gone I realized that I should have spent everyday, every hour, and every minute I had with it. The tree was there for me every time I need it. But sadly I wasn’t. It made me really mad that I wasted so much time without the tree. I didn’t spend the time I wanted with it. I miss the tree.

I would never again be able to see that tree. The tree that spent every minute of my childhood with me. The tree that gave me the shade and protection. It gave me the time of my life with holding my swing as life swung up and down but, what did I give the tree? I know I did give the tree love, but I feel that I could have done better. I could have done more.

At least I still have one more tree with me. And now I know that trees won’t always live with me. I  know that I should treasure every minute we have together. Now I will cherish every moment I have with my last tree. It is too late now to spend time with the other tree but I still have one more tree. But I know that the roots of the tree will forever be there with me.

The author's comments:

"My Tree" is the thought of my grandparents being trees and holding the branches up which is my family through our journey of life until one of my "tree" dies I realize that I needed to spend more time with my "trees."

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