Dear Drag Racing | Teen Ink

Dear Drag Racing

September 25, 2018
By JagDude89 BRONZE, Liberty Hill, Texas
JagDude89 BRONZE, Liberty Hill, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when we have footprints on the moon. ~Paul Brandt

Dear Drag Racing,

As a wide-eyed kid, I fell in love with you. Sitting with you in the tiny garage, filled with parts, as we helped dad, handing him sleek chrome tools, covered in oil and sweat, asking questions about this and that. You left me in awe at 7 as I  watched slim, sleek Top Fuel dragsters shake the ground, as they rocketed down the track at over 300 mph, taking in your sweet perfume of nitromethane.

I have given you all of me, blood, sweat, tears, my patience when your cars gave up on me. I have invested my time in you, knowing that you would pay me back with the addicting rumble in my bones, knowing it was worth the effort, to see the car go down the track, and celebrating with you. You have given me so much, you taught me and gave me new knowledge, a community that made our relationship thrive and keeps my love for you alive. You have given me a feeling that overloads the senses, that makes your heart beat faster, You made me feel ALIVE.

My love for you grows each year, this season I will be racing with you in my own Jr. Dragster. I cannot wait for the moment I get behind the wheel of my own precision racing instrument. Racing alongside you, feeling your rumble in my bones and we will be one, you and me, racing up and down the strip.

No matter what happens in the future, you and I will be one, my passion for you can never be broken. Even after I am old and gray, you will still be my pride and joy. I will always be that kid, sitting in the garage with you, eagerly asking a dozen questions as we hand dad tools.

Love you forever and always,


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