That Moment | Teen Ink

That Moment

December 7, 2017
By Lilija18 SILVER, Lester Prairie, Minnesota
Lilija18 SILVER, Lester Prairie, Minnesota
8 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Be careful who you trust, the Devil was once an Angel"

In 2014 my brother died at age 19 and just this year my friend Jacob died in September. I have recently realized that you never forget that moment the news was broke to you.

I found out my brother had died from my father in his car on our way to the Hospital. Just imagine a commonly quiet 12-year-old little girl sitting in the passenger seat of a slim golden car. Even though it was June the heat in the car was blaring and this little girl could hardly see over the dash and out the window. Burdening her father with questions about her big brother.

"Are we going to see Jack?" She asked excitedly
"Yes" Her father answers not taking his eyes off the road.
"Is he awake?" She asked conflicted as to why her father didn't seem happy.
"Not exactly." He says, again not taking his eyes from the road.
"He's dead isn't he?" She asks scared.

All he did was nod his head at her and suddenly all she could feel was her heart tearing into to two pieces. As if the heat in the car wasn't hot enough, she could feel her whole body becoming a ball of fire her eyes flooding with tears and her face burning as if standing next to a large fire.

Never will I forget that feeling in my heart and eyes burning.

Now you will imagine what it was like to hear that this 15-year-old girl's friend just died.

Immagine that you are in your last class of the day, 7th Hour, and you are in a good mood finally relaxing about the fact that Jacob is still in the hospital. You have your earbuds in listening to a song and you see everyone looking at this one girl and out of curiosity you take out your earbuds but instead of laughing along with whatever she is saying the room is silent. The room is silent and listens to her as she reads out from a post on Facebook from Jacobs mother saying he was a good man and that Jacob passed away peacefully that morning. Everyone, literally everyone went silent and looked at each other. Your best friend comes up and wraps his arm around you letting you know it is okay to cry on his shoulder. You take that offer and you let it all out once again that burning sensation fills your face and tears fall and wet your cheeks.

Those moments haunt me I lose my heart over and over again everytime I remember those days, those moments, those seconds.

Closing my eyes I will see that scene and I have to fight those tears that want to be free.

Treasure those moments with people before their gone because you will need those moments to fight against that one moment you find out they have left and are never coming back.

The author's comments:

Remember the good moments with people because when they leave for good you will only remember that moment you heard about it.

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