New house | Teen Ink

New house

April 20, 2015
By Abdullah72 BRONZE, Bath, Maine
Abdullah72 BRONZE, Bath, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The writer of this poem is unknown :

A new life, a new beginning
A new journey, a new innings
A good decision, a beautiful house
May in happiness, you be doused
A new home, a new start
Congratulations, with all my heart

response to the poem above
My name is Abdullah Im 17 years old. Im from Saudi arabia I was born in Pittsburgh.PA on June 19th 1997 . I was raised there until the age of 7 , I moved to Saudi Arabia because my parents graduated from college. It was a very big change its not like moving from state to state or from the U.S to Europe or even somewhere in Africa it was a big change the culture was extremely different. In America talking to girls wouldn't be an issue it would be weird if it didn't happen not flirting just talking having a friend that is a girl but in Saudi it was different back then things like that were taken more seriously like if you were seen walking even close to women you didn't know you would be harassed and asked what you were doing and going to class was a horrible thing for me I remember because when I would go to class teachers would get mad at me because I wasn't good at school and it wasn't that I wasn't smart or anything it was just the fact that I wasn't good at anything in arabic I could speak it but I couldn't write very well when it was time for dictation and none of the teachers stopped and thought that maybe they teach math and other subjects in english in America so up to now I hated the country I wanted to go back and thats when I finally talked to my mother about it and explained everything and she said that this is where were from this is our home it has always been our home and always will be and that what im feeling right now is fine infact thats what you're supposed to feel “home sick” because I thought that that was my home and that even if I don't like it that I should go into it with an open mind and that it was a new life a new beginning new friends and new family and that here we would live better than how we lived in america because we weren't allowed more than 2 maides under our visa to be flown from saudi and that we would have drivers to take me wherever I want and a beautiful house and a pool and the best part of it i remember was that we could finally get a dog and that  I would enjoy it more than I enjoyed America .

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