my LA project | Teen Ink

my LA project

November 1, 2014
By Anonymous

Once when I was 8, my mom had me enrolled into beginning chemistry. On the first and second day I  met the class and reviewed on safety. On the third day ,we got our first project which was to mix 1 compound and some liquids and observe what happens. My partners name was Kyle. He was tall and had a bit of a temper but I don't remember anyone else in the class because we did 2 projects , 1 with partners and one without. Kyle grabbed the the wrong liquid and we had added the wrong ingredients, so when we put it down to work on the lab the mixture was heating up the beaker ,so when I went to grab it to see what had changed I burned my index finger and  let out a small howl. While I was washing my finger, Kyle put our beaker into a freezer using tongs and redoing the experiment while I was getting a band-aid and washing my hands. When I had returned, Kyle had told me that he had put or old experiment (the one that we messed up) in the freezer and said that its still hot. After that day, we got a week break for Christmas . When we got back ,we had both forgotten about the freezer and its contents. Our next experiment involved liquid nitrogen (more the teacher showed us its property and we wrote notes) when our teacher went to grab the canister which in the freezer. Kyle remembered that our old experiment was in the freezer so he jumped out of his seat flailing his arms knocking over other peoples papers. It was too late ;our teacher had pulled out the experiment (the one that went horribly wrong and burned my finger on) but to our amazement the beaker had broken and a giant blue crystal had formed in it.Before the glass had fallen all the way off the crystal had wedged itself  between the cracks of the glass still some pieces fell to the floor. Mr Fredrickson my teacher boomed “who did this”. Kyle and I raised our hand He looked at us with a very maniacal face and tells us to meet him after class. After the bell rang for lunch we had to stay in for a part of lunch and show Mr Fredrickson how we performed the experiment  . As we did it, we noticed that Mr Fredrickson was taking notes on a small note pad. When we had concluded our experiment, Mr Fredrickson asked us if we would leave the classroom and enjoy lunch, but Kyle thought that Mr Fredrickson Was going to copy our experiment and call it as his own creation. As soon as we walked into the cafeteria we had saw the remains of a fight that had broken out and the janitor was cleaning up the puke on the wall. The cafeteria was as barren as body after the gold rush.While Kyle and I were getting food and sitting at a table farthest away from the puked stained wall, Kyle was blabbering on about Mr Fredrickson was an evil scientist while I was trying to figure out how to turn off my calculator since I had finished my homework but before I had given up and was going to ask Kyle how to turn it off , a shadowy figure reached out and snached it out of my hand. At that point ,I knew it was fight or flight ,so  I jumped out of my chair and ran three feet before I tripped on my shoe lace. When I had got back up, Mr Fredrickson was standing right in front of me with an excited look on his face. Kyle was to my left trying not to burst out laughing at my fail. Then Mr Fredrickson asked us if we knew what type of element we had created, I asked, “ Is it worth a lot of money?”. Then Kyle asked, “It must be a sort of new element”.Then Mr Fredrickson looked at us with a confused face and said, “All I wanted to know was what element it was because if you don't know what it is we can ask Mrs Ching. When we got to room 19, Mrs Chings room, she was correcting a test. When Mr Fredrickson walked in,  she looked then went straight back to correcting papers What ,no hello?” said Mr Fredrickson. “I do not believe you came here to say hi...”,said Mrs Ching, staring at Kyle and I. “Well, we need help identifying a mineral.” said Mr Fredrickson. “Let me see it.” said Mrs Ching. As Mrs Ching was identifying it, she began to laugh “You fool, it's just quartz with blue food coloring in it” said Mrs Chung after identifying the rock. All I remember after that is Mr Fredrickson pointing to the door and saying “Go enjoy the rest of lunch.”As Kyle and I walked down the hall disappointed, I thought it would be fun to try to go flying of the swings and see who can go highest, but as soon as we got outside, the bell rang and we had to go back to class for study time our homework time but since i did it at lunch and kyle did it when he got it we got to go to the library and read comic books until the goodbye ceremony were all the teachers stand on stage and say there favorite moment of this session. After that its free time until 3:30 and it was around 2:00 or something like that so me and Kyle went outside and launched ourselves off the swing till it hurt to stand up then we went to go see what was going on around the corner to see the tallest jumpy house/slide i had ever seen it must of took around 10 minutes just to get to the top but then again i was tiny and afraid of heights so i may have gone slower but the ride down we so exhilarating then when you get to the bottom there was a wall that you hit to slow you down me and Kyle played on it till they were putting it away and i remember the last 30 minutes no one but me and Kyle were playing on it. When the people at Jump Nation left me and Kyle were so tired that as soon as we got on the bus we both fell asleep. Since I lived farther away  Kyle left before i did and i haven't seen Kyle since.

The author's comments:

this was a project for english teacher

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This article has 1 comment.

MiaFAV said...
on Nov. 7 2014 at 12:32 pm
I liked your story but I think when you write it may help if you add paragraphs. :) At the end I got lost in the words and suggest adding a few periods and commas. I hope this helps, and keep up the writing!! :D