The Divorce | Teen Ink

The Divorce

October 28, 2014
By Emieliaaaa BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Emieliaaaa BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ten years ago I had no idea I would be stepping into my adult life a million times faster than I had ever dreamt of.
Still living in my very first home, on Loch Moore Court. My favorite house, of all 7 houses I’ve lived in so far. This Saturday evening it was going to be just another movie night to my brother, sister, and I. Just as us kids and mom were headed out the door, dad had stopped us. I thought he was just going to give us a movie suggestion. Or maybe even have us pick something up from the store for him on the way home. But oh boy was I about to be so wrong.
He had just gotten out of the shower, blue and white hotel towel from a family vacation still wrapped tightly around his waist. Body trickling perfect droplets of water, wet feet making depressions on the hardwood floor every step he took. My six year old self was anxious to find out what was so important he couldn't even get dressed before! Or hardly even dried off! He’d never done this before! This is so unlike my dad! All these thoughts running through my little head, I had no idea what to think. He had us three kids head into the purple kitchen of our green house, and sit down at the all wood kitchen table. Which was very odd, considering we had already eaten dinner? We had never sat down at the table as a family unless it was to eat dinner. It felt as though something was missing, I felt like I needed to be eating dinner. Everything felt so out of place.  He stood at one end of the table, mom at the opposite, as we filled in the seats in between. Why was he standing? Why were we all at the table? Why did he need to talk to all four of us? What could possibly be so important?
Everything about this was very peculiar to me, and I needed to know what was going on now. His eyes started to water, lips started to quiver, I could tell he was preparing to say something. He glanced at my mom; she gave him a quick nod. And in the shakiest, softest voice possible he looked us in the eyes and said “you’re mother and I am going to be getting a divorce”. It was a very quiet room. Dad was sobbing, mom was strong. I had wondering eyes, quick look at dad, quick look at mom, quick look at my brother, and quick look at my sister, then all over again. I didn't understand what was happening.
By my dad’s reaction I could tell this was not a conversation for him. But they knew it was the best decision at this point. They always knew. Mom’s reaction made me wonder how she felt about this situation. She didn't appear to be upset, at least not upset as dad. Why wasn't she upset? Was this her decision?
After sitting at the table for a while in almost complete silence, mom broke the silence and said “well do you guys still want to go get a movie?” Of course we all said “yes!!” because we weren’t affected by this yet. On our way to blockbuster mom asks “Do you guys have any questions about what you're dad said?” I said “What does a divorce mean?” she looked at me and said “well, your dad and I won’t be living together anymore; we won't be married any longer. And one day maybe we will marry other people.” “Why?” “Dad and I just aren't getting along anymore.” “Why?” “We just aren't sweetie.” I looked up at my mom, my eyes started the water. As she looked down at me she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a great big bear hug, she squeezed me as tight as she could. She whispered in my ear “it’s going to be ok.” The way mom had approached the situation gave me a rush like never before. It made me feel like she cared about me, like she was paying attention to me. No one else but me. I was the center of her universe. For the first time ever. And it felt like in that moment it was just us. No one else.
What dad had said started to make sense now, all the late nights we would press our little tiny ears up against their bedroom door and listen to them fighting. This is why. I never imagined my life would change like this. Why did my parents have to do this? Although very unfortunate, this event caused me to grow up extremely faster than I had ever wanted to. Before I knew it I was packing bags to go from one house to the next. Putting myself to bed at dad’s house, because that was normally mom’s job. Packing my own lunch, etc. etc.
Although such an unfortunate event, this divorce caused me to step into my adult life, and grow up much faster than anyone else I know. And helped shape me into the person I am today. My life went from family dinners, family bike rides, family movie night and so so much more. To spending my days with a nanny, who would grow to become a mother-figure to me. 
My parents are great, they provide me with food, clothing, and a roof over my head, and always make sure I am safe. I know they always do the best they can for me. They inspire me to be somewhat like them when I have my own family one day. I hope one thing would go extremely differently though. I hope to never get a divorce. I hope to never put my family through that pain. I want to have only one ‘love of my life’, I want the fairytale ending. A divorce truly tears a family apart.

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