memoir | Teen Ink


October 25, 2014
By hwsmith16 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
hwsmith16 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My family goes on vacation up north to Oscoda every year in august for a week. All of my aunts, uncles, and cousins on my moms side go with us. I think it is the best way to end the summer. Even if I had a bad summer this vacation makes up for it. I love being around my family. They are the best, they’re always happy and fun to hang out with. The place we stay at is called Mai Tiki. It’s on the coast of Lake Huron. The cottages are all in a line on the beach and painted bright colors like a rainbow. The outside of the cottages look nice but on the inside they have an old look to them. When you walk in the front door of my cottage there is a brown couch in the living room with the small kitchen behind it with a refrigerator that looks as old as the Great Lakes. Although the cottages are kind of old, being able to leave my home and go on vacation every year is awesome. It makes me appreciate my parents even more. I realized they worked hard to provide a good life for my sisters and I.
On the way up north I always get so excited, even now that I’m older I get just as excited as when I was younger. In the car I try to fall asleep to make the time go by faster but the anticipation keeps me awake. The week before I feel like everyday goes in slow motion because of how badly I want to go up north. After I’m done packing which is still three days before I leave my house I don’t know what to do. I walk around my house thinking “I’m so bored theres nothing to do.” because all I can think about is how much fun I will have at Mai Tiki. I feel like a little kid on christmas eve waiting for the night to be over so they can run downstairs to unwrap their presents.
“We’re here” hearing my mom say those words is the best sound in the world.
“woohoo” my dad said in the same way he does every year. While my sister is slowly waking up in the seat next to me, she doesn’t get as excited as she used to.
  I look out the window of the car and see the huge beach and beautiful water which gets me more excited. I jumped out of the car and rushed to unpack and get everything into the cottage. “I can’t wait until everyone else gets here” I thought to myself. Since my family was usually the first ones there after I was done unpacking I walked to the next cottage to hug and say hi to my aunt and uncle like it had been a long time since I had seen them even though I had seen the an hour ago at the restaurant we stopped at to get lunch. After I said hello and helped them unpacked I moved to the next cottage with my family in it and did the same thing until everyone was unpacked.
Every year I always feel so lucky that all my family members have good jobs that allow them to take time off and go on vacation together. I believe it brings us closer as a family. Seeing all of my family together makes me realize I will have to work hard in all parts of my life like in school so I can go to a good college and get a good job. If I work hard and get a good job when I have a family of my own I would be able to take them on a nice vacation like my parents have for me my whole life.

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