Family Memories | Teen Ink

Family Memories

May 22, 2014
By Anonymous

Vacationing is the best. One of my fondest memories was while I was on vacation with my family.I was thinking about all the memories I made with my family and the cruise is the first memory that comes to mind. We went all the way down to Cape Canaveral, Florida and got on a Carnival cruise which we would call home for the next week. I had always had good memories with my family but this was by far one of my best memories. On this particular trip I really bonded with my family and I had a lot of fun with them, this is one trip I will never forget.
My mom, dad, sister, and I traveled down to Florida during the summer to go on cruise to the Bahamas. We were going on five-day cruise to several different islands, one of which was a private island that was owned by our cruise liner. At first when we arrived at the first island it was really gloomy and raining so we decided to look around for just a little bit but unfortunately we still got soaked. We found our tour guide and she took us back to our ship where we ate and played a little ping-pong, I was feeling really confident because I defeated my mom and my sister but then I challenged my dad and lost miserably.

After about a day or two I finally started getting used to the ship rocking back and forth which made it a lot easier to walk around and explore the ship. My sister and I found out that there was a game room so we played some games and lost some money. The funny part was that my parents came to the game room as well and I talked my dad into playing a game and so he played a few rounds trying to win a prize. After about two or three rounds he turned to me and said, “Lets go before I lose some more money” but just before we stepped out of the game room he turned around and said, “Maybe just one more round.” As my parents went to the comedy show I determined I was going to pool to relax a little, but before I was going to get into the pool a little boy jumped in and came right out with a funny expression on his face and said, “That water is really salty.” When I jumped in I made sure I closed my mouth so I wouldn’t get a mouthful of salt water, but once I got in the water perfect.

Eventually, we reach the main island Nassau which happened to be the capital of the Bahamas. Once again we disembarked the ship and found a tour guide, our guide took us to see the neighborhoods (how people lived there), the city, beaches, and best of all Atlantis. While we were driving through the neighborhoods we saw a house that looked like the other half was missing and the guide said, “The husband and wife had a divorce and the she took her half.” After that we drove over a large bridge and spotted Atlantis with its two large tower like structures and arc connecting them. As we walked through the main building I noticed how well decorated it was with paintings and sculptures. Then we went out the back to see their exotic fish and sea turtles, the turtles were huge and the fish were colorful. After about two or three hours we headed to the beach, the water was warm and the fish were a shiny silver color.

(The front view of Atlantis with its two huge towers and arc)

At last, the private island was in sight. We got off the ship in large groups and boarded a mid size boat that would take us to the island, fortunately we were the first group on the island behind the crew so we got the best spots on the beach. While the rest of the passengers were just arriving on the island my parents, sister, and I went snorkeling and we swam out pretty far. The farther out we went the bigger the fish were getting until my mom found the largest fish of all. I was just swimming on the surface while my mom was underwater then suddenly she surfaces with her eyes wide open and said, “There is a huge fish under us right now,” so I went under with her and she she pointed out the fish and that fish was massive. As we were swimming back to the shore my dad and my sister saw something moving on the seafloor so they called my mom and me over to observe it and as it got closer to us we noticed it was a pretty big sting ray and as a result we swam away even quicker. The beach started getting a little crowded therefore my dad and I walked around to another side of the island and swam around, but while my dad was looking at some fish I found a nice sea shell lying on top of the sea weed. I showed everyone the sea shell and my sister wanted to go back to where I found it so when we got to the location of the shell a lot of little fish gathered around my sister and one little fish tried to bite her. As we tried to fend off the fish my mom came and told us that lunch is ready, so we got our food and sat at a table. I was the first one done eating so I back for some more food and as I was walking back to the table I saw this person catch a large green lizard that had the longest claws I had ever seen. Our time on the private island had come to an end and we were now traveling back to Florida, we were all sad to leave, but then my mom said, “This was really fun we should do it again some time” and my sister had the biggest smile on her face.

In the end we made it home and looked over all the pictures we took and I realized just how many memories we made that trip and how much closer I am with my family because of that trip. Once again this trip was fun for us and we really bonded. This was one trip I will never forget.Making positive memories with your family will stick with you forever. Making Positive memories with your family will last with you forever, and you will be proud that you made those memories.

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