An Evanescent Memory | Teen Ink

An Evanescent Memory

January 18, 2013
By Shane Underwood BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
Shane Underwood BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She was walking along the edge of the water. It mimicked a mirror, perfectly reflecting her beauty. The sun was beaming so brightly that I had to put my hand over my brow to see her. The sand caressed the weight of each foot as I tried to catch up to her. She softly mumbled, “Do you think we’ll always be together like this?”

I contemplated a way to satisfy her question. She paused and gazed at the sun as it was setting. I glanced down into the perpetual water. The reflection showed her dark brown hair settling on her blue camisole as the wind died down. She appeared composed, but yet seemed to be anxiously waiting for my answer. I turned to look at her with an answer to her question.

It was unsettling to see that we were the only ones at the beach. She spoke again, “It feels so unreal, just the two of us here. It’s like we’re the only ones left on earth.” I gazed into the horizon; the sky was a deep purple from the sunset.

“Yeah,” I replied. “I wish this day would never end.” She looked at me, her ice blue eyes glistened, crying from joy. I reached my hand out to meet hers half-way.

Her face, red from blushing answered, “Me too.”

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