Keith Green: A Christian | Teen Ink

Keith Green: A Christian

October 17, 2011
By wordsoflife SILVER, Starke, Florida
wordsoflife SILVER, Starke, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Truth is the absence of Lies. -me

Keith Gordon Green was an American gospel singer and songwriter. Beyond his music, Green is best known for his strong devotion to Christ. Often considered controversial for his frequently confrontational lyrics and spoken messages, some notable songs written by him include "Your Love Broke Through," "You Put This Love In My Heart," and "Asleep In The Light." Green is also known for numerous popular modern hymns, including "O Lord, You're Beautiful" and "There Is A Redeemer." When Keith was 8, he had already mastered the guitar and piano. At 12, he had already written over forty songs and signed a five year contract in a record company. The record companies expected him to be the next teen star. Unfortunately, Keith was quickly forgotten and Donny Osmond became popular. Haunted by the feelings of failure, Green's teen years were filled with turmoil. He ran away from home four times. Even though he was Jewish, he grew up reading the New Testament. He was full of philosophical questions, and didn't quite believe that Jesus was God. So, he searched for answers in the Brotherhood Movement. He became a true hippie. He took L.S.D. and marijuana in order to experience spiritual "enlightenment." After Keith had a frightening hallucination, he quit taking drugs . At 21, his friend invited him to a small bible study. Finally, Keith gave his whole heart to Jesus. His life radically changed. He invited runaways and drug addicts into his home. He fed them and told them about God. His past songs, about uncertainty and searching, evolved into joy from Jesus. He gave his cds away for free because he didn't want to "sell" the gospel. His albums were at the top of the industry charts. On July 28, 1982, Keith went home to be with Jesus. The tiny airplane which took Keith to concerts crashed with him and his three and four year old children. All of them died. Although Keith is now with Jesus, his life and ministry is still making a huge impact around the world. His songs and passionate delivery are still changing lives. His writings are translated into many languages. Keith once said, "When I die I just want to be remembered as a Christian." It's safe to say he reached his goal, and perhaps, a bit more.

The author's comments:
“I repent of ever having recorded one single song and ever having performed one concert if my music, and more importantly -- my life -- has not provoked you into godly jealousy, or to sell out more completely to Jesus!”
Keith Green

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This article has 1 comment.

Anno82 GOLD said...
on Jan. 16 2024 at 2:19 am
Anno82 GOLD, Austin, Texas
14 articles 0 photos 47 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Peace doesn't come from finding a lake with no storms. It comes from having Jesus in the boat." -John Ortberg<br /> "God doesn't break things so He can fix them; He fixes broken things so He can use them." -Bob Goff<br /> "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?" -Corrie Ten Boom

Thank you for writing this, I wasn’t aware of his life story! All I knew were his songs and how he passed away, thank-you for the insight ☺️😊