Inspiration | Teen Ink


April 16, 2011
By Anonymous

We all need inspiration in our lives. We all need a reason to keep moving,to never give up. This motivation could come from something,someone or even from within. We sing for a reason,dance for a reason,write for a reason. Hell,we even laugh for a reason. And this reason helps us realise who we are. This reason gives us happiness,joy,sadness and most importantly,it gives us inspiration.
So when I picked up this pen to write,I couldn't think of anything. I racked my brain,searched my heart but nothing seemed to fit. I tried to think of different things,analysed things I had written earlier and....I was blank. And it was so frustrating. Here I was,all pepped up to write and I couldn't think of what to write.That's when it hit me and everything became crystal clear.I needed inspiration. Often in our lives,we set out to do something without being inspired. Such actions which may be successful at first,seem meaningless later on. Everything i do should have some meaning because life is too beautiful to be wasted away in thoughtlessness. Because this meaning helps sustain life. So there is no way that I'm going to sit here and write without being inspired. I'm now off to search for my inspiration while you sit and patiently(i hope) wait for my article....

The author's comments:
This is one of the first things i have ever written. This will kind of determine whether I should continue writing or not...

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