Personal Essay about gaming | Teen Ink

Personal Essay about gaming

May 15, 2024
By Anonymous

I can say now and days i’m a big gamer I mean it’s my hobby I can just have fun playing games with my friends but I would say I wasn’t always the big gamer I am today. I would say the first time I think I played a video game is either spiderman two on the DS, WII sports , or Madagascar game on the ps2 I don’t really remember because I played them all around the same time. At the time I watch more tv and youtube gaming was really only the backup if there was nothing to watch at the time. In some of the next few years my dad gets me a xbox 360 for christmas and I would play sport video games like Madden or NBA live and we took the PS2 to my grandads house so I can play on it when I stayed over his house while my parents were at work. The other thing is the I had two cousins that were big on gaming and when I would go over my cousins house besides watching tv like normal if I was lucky my cousin would allow me to play on his console or computer which he had a lot more variety of games on it. After a while I went onto a gaming phase but I ended up getting over it because I would play games by myself and it kinda got boring and stale after a while. Then suddenly I figured out that I can play video games with my friends on the XBOX One a great discovery I would say is when I started gaming a lot and I didn’t stop from there. 

Now that I talked about how I got into gaming I might as well talk about how I got to the point where I play these specific games. When I first started playing games with my friends we would play NBA 2k17 and so on till 2k20 and other of the big games at the time like fortnite when it was really popping off as the game everyone knows and plays. After fortnite died down and NBA 2k was just a copy and paste every year I got into PC gaming I mean I already liked one game that was pc only so by that time when christmas came around I was begging my dad for a pc. Which I did get that PC I wanted I would say for the next year I would be playing that and my XBOX but eventually I started to only play video games on PC because all the games I play on my console I could play on my PC. I also found out about one of my favorite games I was good at you could play professionally and make a pretty good amount of money from contracts and you get to live in a house with your teammates for free. That was only if you were that good to actually play at that level which I wasn’t at but if I played the game a lot and practiced I could maybe actually make it to that level. Well I would say I got a lot better even to now and days but it’s not a thing I am chasing after anymore I just started enjoying other video games. I did expand my catalog of games I play now but I before I really only stayed to one genre of gaming after a while  

The author's comments:

This is about my current and favorite hobby gaming

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