Lucy | Teen Ink


October 13, 2022
By 4lott GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4lott GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In French, the name Lucile means light or illumination. It is the color yellow or blue. Yellow. A bright light that can light up the room on any rainy day. a beautiful feeling of comfort and relaxation to all that are around. 

This name also brings a sense of calm to others. Like a steady warm day, the breeze makes it even more beautiful.  

But, this name’s bright light can go out because of all life’s stresses.  Like someone is constantly trying to blow out my candle’s flame. My light is defended by the good people and things in my life. 


Sometimes the voices going on in my head just need to be heard. Like how a bird’s song can never be cherished without someone there to hear it. These constant thoughts and voices flow through my head. They never leave and get bottled up to the point where I could just burst. Over caring at times with no recognition of self, like the color yellow, soft and there but unnoticed.


I think the name Lucile restrained me to one thing. as if the name puts me into a box that will never be filled. As if the emotion that is lacking will never be brought back. 


This name also has a sort of pride. a level of expectations behind it which creates tension in my life. Having the same expectations as my sister. Going to Markette. Going to law school. Being responsible and constantly knowing what to say.   Or My brother with his aspirations of being an electrical engineer.  the stress of planning my life after high school and wanting to be a neurosurgeon.

But Sometimes I don't think that this name really represents me as a whole. 

I believe that I am more outgoing, but also reserved when it comes to myself and my own problems. When it comes to others I always want to be there and give my advice and support. 

I think the name Jenifer would suit me. Jenifer is like an emerald green. An old soul. Wisdom.  A strong name, but it also has a sort of soft side that is not really shown. Jennifer shows confidence and willingness to provide strong guidance and wisdom to those who are around her. 


 Overall a strong name like Jenifer would suit me better compared to Lucile.  

The author's comments:

My name does not fit me. 

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