The Time I Fainted | Teen Ink

The Time I Fainted

February 8, 2022
By Anonymous

Everything was black, empty. I shifted to feel something but I felt like i couldnt move.It felt as if I was lifting weight that's impossible to carry,but I was doing something as simple and easy as breathing.A jolt came upon less than a second, light surrounded me.Slowly, second by second i realize that i was in my room and not in a void.My alarm was going off in the moment. Wave of relief came to me.I threw myself out of bed, and put my jeans and shirt on. Knitting down to put my shoes on while my cat comes along.

I don't know what I felt but she was so warm, and I stroked her head.She let out a noise as if she was saying ¨Good morning¨. And before you know it she flopped herself on the floor and whipped her tail back and forth granting me permission to run her stomach. I lightly petted her and she looked at me with a face i´ve seen before, she rubbed her head against the carpet and laid still. For a moment I felt like all my cares and fears just melted away.I looked away and saw the time.and couldn't feel the soft,warm fur from my cat anymore.I

Felt worry and anxiety swept me up,I only had 10 minutes to do my hair, and wake up my mom.I look back at my cat and she jumps over my hand and bites me.I repealed my hand back but she had already got to it.¨OW¨¨i thought we were having a good time!now i know why people say that cats are jerks.¨ i get up and run to the bathroom.I start thinking¨ what if i'm not ready in time, what if i'm late and i get i'm trouble, what if the kids at school think i'm weird, is what i'm wearing is weird, is it not nice enough.when i come back to my senses i realized that i had just finished bruising my teeth. Pulling my hair up into a ponytail, and walking out.

I grab my bag and run downstairs, I put my bag down at the end of the last step, the very step i´ve missed many times while coming down the stairs.I walk to my moms room, listening to her peacefully sleep.But a tight pinch swirled in my stomach. Slowly i pushed the door open.¨mom, mom i'm ready for school¨

¨hmm… what time is it¨ she says as she glances over tot her night stand.Fear fills me, she has told me before that i need to wake her up at a specific time.¨I TOLD YOU,YOU NEED TO WAKE ME UP AT 7:30 SO I CAN GET READY AND WE LEAVE AT 7:50!I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO TO BED LATE .JUST WAIT TILL DAD HEARS THIS.¨suddenly all the walls started to come together , forming a long tunnel, if you have seen Doctor Strange from marvel and how he shape shifts the room to manipulate his opponent with different shapes but the same material.It was as if that had happened before my eye´s.I see the tunnel and at the end there was a golden light. I felt as if every drop of my emotion was drained.I felt tired.But i could still sense that i was in my moms room¨ HEY, LOOK AT ME!¨ my mom yelled. ¨i-i am”i said still feeling tired.¨¨ DON'T ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME ¨ she yelled again.¨ i'm not¨ 

then i felt a motion of waves, like i was in the middle of a swirling ocean, the room fades into black.then i feel as if i was back in my bed but this time was different, i wasn't as comfortable, but i felt a jerking then a pulling.I tried to open my eye but they were i couldn't, it felt like they were glued shut.i couldn't tell what i was feeling.but i know i was feeling something unusual.i open my eyes, i could hear my mom and older sister talking then they started to lift me up to my feet.i had no memory of what happened this morning. I was confused, and tired.¨ow¨ i thought, i felt a sharp sting on my mom walked me to her bed,¨ok what's 1+1¨? She asked. ¨2¨? I had no clue why she asked me such an easy question¨ 4+4¨? She asked again. ¨8¨ I answered. ¨ Are you feeling okay¨? She asked. ¨I feel fine, why¨? ¨you fainted¨. How did I faint! Arent you suppose to faint in cartoons. I would never guess that I could have fainted.then i heard the garage is the only person that likes to enter from the garage door. Dad´s supposed to be at work or on his way there, how did he get here so fast.the door opens and dad walks through the door and comes into the room. He comes to me and looks at me ¨what is 1+1, 2+2¨? I answered ¨2 and 4¨. But did not mom just ask me simple questions? I fainted, I didn't lose my memory!¨she hit her head on the door border¨.my mom says.¨oh, really. I said ¨yeah, she calls over to the door and said ¨we're going to the ER.¨  ´Iḿ gonna miss school, and have extra work!¨ I complained ¨ it's fine, you can make it up tomorrow.¨ my dad said. ¨yeah but¨.i protested. ¨ Come on, let's go¨ my dad leaded. Since I didn't have much of a choice I followed and we stepped out of the house and left.

 It was a bit cold outside since it was late october and this week was the week we get before we leave for thanksgiving break. I felt really tired and wanted to nap on the ride over to the ER. I was confused about why my mom wouldn't let me though. I started to lay to the side and my mom broke from the thick silence.¨ hey! you need to stay awake, okay!¨ she said. ¨alright.slowly i remembered bit by bit about what happened before i fainted. Honestly I thought I was waking up in the morning on a regular morning. We arrived and we went inside. My mom walked me over to sit down and walked to the check in.I look over and see a kid, cuddled up with his mom, probably no more than 6. Then he lets out a cough. My mom came back and sat next to me. I had to just realize that my dad was gone. I turned to ask about him then I saw him coming from the bathroom and took his place next to mom. The place smelled like medicine and heavy hand sanitizer. 

Maybe this smell is so thick to hide the scent of the sick people in here.Ma’am, we're ready for you,”the nurse said. We all stood up and followed her through the door, she led us to a hall with no more than 4 doors in it. I looked around. The tiles are covered with a bright material that is placed in uncoordinatedly. She led us to the 3rd room. A doctor was waiting there, surprisingly. “Ok, who are we looking at today?” the doctor asked. “My daughter,” my mom answered. The doctor made a hand gesture signaling me to sit in the patient chair.

This chair has always made me uneasy. Growing up I hated needles. I don't know if it's a phobia or something but I still get scared.My first shot was for a flu and i remember getting 3, and they hurted too much to be a normal shot.And the nurse taking them took  forever to get the needle in and when i sit somewhere and i see the doctor take the needle out of their bag and take of the cap and rub my skin with alcohol, ALWAYS, and i mean ALWAYS scares me. I don't understand why, my mom tells me that I have nothing to be scared of and that they don't hurt as much, she acts like I can control this and that i'm doing it on purpose, “I wish”.

My mom and dad sat down in the visitor chairs set aside in the room, my mom explained what happened and I was even shocked as she told the story. She said that my eyes went left, then I started to lean back and forth, then I fell back and hit my head on the door border. I had 0 memory of all that.The doctor looked at his computer and made typing sounds and looked back at me.”well you see the reasons why you would have fainted is  1: you weren't breathing properly, 2: you didn't get enough sleep and maybe i was dehydrated. I drifted off as the doctor continued to talk, I really wished he didn't say that.I know that I haven't been drinking alot of water lately and I know that I went to bed at 11 and fell asleep at 1, and I know that mom knows that too.

The doctor continued to type on his computer, then he got up, took his stuff and left “you all have a good day.” he said as he left. “ you too,'' my dad responded. My mom looked at me and said ``I thought I told you to go to bed early and I HAVE been telling you to drink more water!” “ Yeah, I know, I'm sorry, '' I said. I didn't really put too much into the response, I honestly didn't feel like a lecture right now. “It's okay,when we get home go back to bed okay,” “okay” my mom leans over and gives me a hug,” im sorry , you really worried me.”my mom said . “It's okay mom,” I responded. We walked out into the cold, went into the car and went home.I guess none of this wouldn’t have happened if i had listened to my mom in the first place.

The author's comments:

this is a true story about me when i was in fourth grade and was a 9 year old girl. this happend about 4 years ago and this incedent has been the only time this has happend.

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