recent memoir | Teen Ink

recent memoir

June 1, 2021
By Anonymous

On Christmas day I woke up with excitement and ran to my mom and brother's room to wake them up. 30 minutes later we all were dressed and in the car on our way to our nanas house for Christmas to see the rest of our friends and family to eat breakfast and have a good time.

  At 11:00 we started to sit down and play some games then open presents and during that everyone around me was opening big and small gifts and every so often I would get a gift I would open it to see what it is. But once we were nearing the end of the gifts and I had opened up all my gifts I was thinking there had to be something else coming.  Then a few minutes later when everyone finished opening up their gift my mom did a pause for the cause and told me I got a workout station which was the thing that I thought had to be the gift still coming to make this Christmas really special to me on top of how special it already was.

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