When I Lost My Best Friend | Teen Ink

When I Lost My Best Friend

October 2, 2019
By Anonymous

       One day, it was raining in the middle of the afternoon. I was texting a pervious best friend of mine that I knew from kindergarten through fifth grade. I never talked to her nor texted with her anymore after this incident.

       It first started with a normal conversation but then it turned into a more of a mean, rude, selfish conversation. Instead of a funny, nice, and relaxed talk or chat. I was the one who started the conversation with a hello or a hey.

       I had to wait a couple of minutes for her to respond to my texts. When she saw my text that said: “Hey, How are you doing?”, but there was another moment of silence until she responded with “Hey, good how about you?”. The texts slowly increase to the point where I said “I’m crying because my dad just yelled at me for something I didn’t do. There was another pause of silence in the text that I sent because I was hesitant to send that message. She responded with the following text “I don’t care, my dog just died!”.

       I soon got sadder and replied with something about death and suicide. As I got sadder I started to listen to music and that helped me calm down, and show my true feelings. As I calm down I got more mad than sad, I started to text her again after I calmed down. I said “Can’t you show me a little sympathy? It doesn't have to be a lot”. She replied with “I don’t care right now, my dog died!”.

       Things escalated more after those texts we sent back and forth. In the end, we never said sorry or apologized to each other, it was probably because we were both angry and sad at that moment. Now that I look back at that moment, we were both dumb for letting that moment ruin our friendship, out of all the good moments and memories we had.

        Even though I would rather go back in time and fix my mistakes and say sorry to her. I think that it was important to remember that there is always one moment that makes you sad, or mad, etc. That one moment will make you, who you are standing here today, reading this story.

        Even if that moment was bad or good, you can share it with the world and find someone that had the same experience as you. You don’t have to share it at all but that one moment will make you, you. Also, remember that you can depend on something that will make you happy like art, music, etc if you can’t depend on someone to cheer you up.

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