The Weight of a Thousand Responsibilities | Teen Ink

The Weight of a Thousand Responsibilities

October 12, 2018
By Stephen09ku BRONZE, Ottawa Lake, Michigan
Stephen09ku BRONZE, Ottawa Lake, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

carry responsibilities and expectations on my shoulders. Expectations from work where I have to carry out things by myself and sometimes don't have anyone to question when I don't know what to do. Expectations in school to get good grades, get my work done, and to do the best that I can. I expect myself to be a well mannered young man by saying please and thank you, and respecting the ones that have more authority than me. When I am not the best that I can be, I let myself down and all I can do is strive to be better. The past has only made me a better person, and I am expected to continue to excel. I have shown the ones closest to me that I can succeed on my own, and they only push me to do better. Having those expectations pays off in the end because it pushes me to strive for success. I can't sleep with all the thoughts that are running through my head.  

Laying in my cozy bed late at night, with many thoughts consuming my brain. Blankets wrapped around me like a bun around a hot dog. I think about my past, all of the things I have accomplished leading up this this point, and also all of the things that my future will hold. I think about scenarios of when I am at work and I am faced with a task that I have to do all alone. Thoughts about when I graduate highschool and immediately join the Marine corps. I think about everything that the next day is going to consist of; including chores and homework. I lay awake thinking of all of my responsibilities that sit in my brain. The last thing that is on my mind every night is my girlfriend. I lay there and stare at the picture collage my girlfriend made me that is hanging up.

My girlfriend is a couple inches shorter than me. She has curly brown hair that is always up in a bun. Her freckles are scattered all over her face like little tan polka dots. Her favorite clothes are my sweatshirt, my black and white adidas pants, and the vans that I got her for christmas. She always goes for a comfy look. She is accessorised with her black framed glasses and the bracelet I got for her for homecoming. She always is there for me and will help me with anything. She helps take away some of my responsibilities and I appreciate it more than she will ever know.  These are all of the things I picture when I think about her. The picture of her beautiful face in my mind, makes me think of all the responsibilities it takes to maintain a healthy relationship with her. These are good responsibilities, and I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.

With all of the responsibilities I have, I can not just think of one. I lay in my bed, thinking of getting good grades, and being responsible. I think about joining the Marine corps and the responsibilities I am going to have in the corps and all of the things I am going to have to endure to get there. I think of my responsibilities that sit on my shoulders at work and the responsibilities that I carry at home. I think of all that I have accomplished and the things that I will accomplish later in life. I think of all the ways I can better myself to achieve greatness. And lately I think of my girlfriend and I doze off to sleep.

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