Interviewing a Hero | Teen Ink

Interviewing a Hero

January 20, 2017
By gabriellej3399 BRONZE, Birdsboro, Pennsylvania
gabriellej3399 BRONZE, Birdsboro, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Interviewing a Veteran

I entered through the side door of the light-green colored ranch. It brought me into the living room. The tan colored walls were decorated in family photos and wall hangings. It made it feel like home. As I stepped forward the hard wood floor creaked. I looked around to see if there were any new decorations. The air is cool and filled with the smell of apple pie. The white curtains dance around there was a breeze. My grandfather sits in his chair, wrapped in his blanket. He smiles at me and gestures for me to come over. I sit on the green soft couch with my notebook and pen. He nods for me to begin.

What branch did you serve for and for how long did you serve?
“I served for about 3 years and 8 months. I was in the Army.” He sits there and starts to stare off into the kitchen. The memories roll around in his head.

Why did you choose this branch of the military?
“I choose this branch because my mother wouldn’t let me go into the marines.  I was only 17 years old when I enlisted. I wanted to fight and serve for our country. As an American, it’s my duty to defend my home.”
When you were actively enlisted, what was your ranking?

He sits up straight and clears his throat. “I worked hard all through basic and became Private 1st class.”
He stands up quick and excuses himself to go change. I looked around and noticed by the front door the tile was all torn up and there was wood planks on the floor. A 5 gallon barrel sits in the corner. There is only one piece of decore in that room and it is my grandfather's serivce photo in a simple black frame. My grandfather reappears and sits back in his chair.

Okay, so throughout your career in the Army, where did you serve?
“I served in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Fort Dick, New Jersey and in Vietnam.”
Out of all of the places you traveled, which was your favorite to go to or your most memorable?
“I would have to say Vietnam. I volunteered to go to that war. I thought it would be a great adventure.”
What was going on in the world at the time that you were serving?
“The American citizens were protesting the war. They were not supporting us, even though we were fighting for them. I remember hearing that at a protest the crowd was so big the police had to come break it up. Well I guess someone had shot someone and all hell broke loose.”

What year were you discharged?
“I was discharged in the beginning to middle of 1970.”

Now finally,  what was your greatest memory?
“My greatest memory would be after I was discharged. It would be meeting your grandmother. I knew from the moment I saw her I would love her forever. And when I first met her I wanted to marry her.”

He reached for a tissue while tearing up. He smiled and stood up. He went to change into his eveningwear. He came out in a nice pair of blue jeans, a flannel shirt and boots. His overalls hold up his pants. My grandfather walks to the back door and and waves goodbye.

The author's comments:

We were given this assignment in my writting class to interview a veteran. I chose to interview my granfather because he is one of my heros. 


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