Who Will I Be 34 Years from Now? | Teen Ink

Who Will I Be 34 Years from Now?

January 25, 2016
By albanyan BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
albanyan BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

50 years old is a major milestone in anyone's life, some choose to ignore this milestone, because it reminds them they are growing older. Some choose to celebrate this milestone with confidence, and enjoy it, which is what I plan to do. 50 years old is a point in life where you have already faced many of life's challenges, like graduating high school, getting into college, graduating college, and having a successful career. For this reason, I would like to ask my 50 year old self the following questions.

1. Did you make it to your dream university? This questions passes through my mind everyday, as I grow more anxious for my senior year.
2. What were some of the memories you created in university? I plan on creating many good memories during university, as everyone seems to remember these years.
3. What were some of the most difficult challenges you have faced in your lifetime? Im sure that I will have obstacles in my life, and all the challenges I will face in my will change me into a better person. For this reason, I am looking forward to them, or at least the outcome of them.
4. Do you have any new hobbies? No one is the same as they were in high school, so I want to know what new interests I now have.
5. Do you still play football? Football occupies most of my time, whether it's watching, playing or just tracking news. So, I want to see if I still play it.
Now let's fast forward 34 years into the future and answer these question, as though I am now 50 year old Badr.
1. Did you make it to your dream university? Yes I did. I was also  very happy to make it to my city of choice, Boston, because I made so many new memories during those years.
2. What were some of the memories you created in university? I created so many different memories in university. The memories itself do not matter as much as who I did them with. The memories I created were alongside my best friends and always made us closer and happier.
3. What were some of the most difficult challenges you have faced in your lifetime? Struggling to balance college work and my social life, as well as, balancing my career word and my family were probably the most difficult challenges I have faced.
4. Do you have any new hobbies? I have picked up and dropped many hobbies, but one hobby that has sticked with me is traveling. I love traveling and exploring many parts of the world. Doing this exposes myself, as well as my 4 children and wife, to new and different cultures. This also helps my children learn the different statuses of people and makes them less ignorant and more down to earth.  All over the world there is beauty, so I love exploring these beautiful sights with my family.
5. Do you still play football? Of course, I still play football. I am not as fit as I was 30 years ago though, but I still try to maintain a very healthy life. I mainly play with my children at this point, however, I still enjoy playing the beautiful game.                  

What advice would I give 16 year old me?                                    
      I would tell myself to never procrastinate, and instead spread your work out overtime, because then you have more time to have fun and enjoy life. It's really important to have fun and enjoy your time in high school, because you are only there once(hopefully), the same goes for high school. Also, I would tell myself to appreciate everything and everyone around you, especially your friends, because your friends are always with you and share all your good memories, and help you through the bad.


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