Taking on 2015: Resolutions and Goals | Teen Ink

Taking on 2015: Resolutions and Goals

February 12, 2015
By kassidy.tarala PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
kassidy.tarala PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As 2014 comes to an end and 2015 is off to a start, New Year resolutions are made. From extreme resolutions to small goals, it appears 2015 is going to be a year of change for the students of Arrowhead.

Scarlett Lopez, an Arrowhead senior, says her New Year resolutions include having a new, more positive attitude about school and having an enjoyable last semester of high school.

“In general, I think students tend to goof around more in high school and then college is taken more seriously because it is really only up to you,” Lopez says.

She says she is planning on turning her attitude around now before she gets to college, so she will be more likely to thrive on her own.

“College is new. A new slate, new people, new everything,” she says.

Lopez says thinking about graduating and moving on to college gives her anxiety because she is afraid she won’t succeed. She says that is why she wants to make her attitude towards school more positive to make her final semester an enjoyable one.

“I want to study more and grasp the major concepts in my classes to help prepare for college courses,” Lopez says.

She says because she is going to be paying for college classes she is going to do her best and get the most out of them.

Lopez says she has had successful resolutions in the past and has advice to offer to people who are making their resolutions for 2015.

“Actually do them. Don’t just say you will,” Lopez says.

She says it is easy to fall back into old habits and not follow through with new year resolutions, but if you stick to it success will follow. She says talking about resolutions is completely different than actually following through with them.

“Talk is cheap, but actions pay off,” Lopez says.

Emily Landry, an Arrowhead senior, says she is also making New Year resolutions. She says she is striving to do well in school and have a successful audition for the music program at UW-Whitewater this spring.

“I plan on studying more in math and AP Psych because those are my toughest subjects,” Landry says.

She says she hopes to get an A in each of those classes and is willing to study hard enough to do so.

“I am performing Gershwin Prelude No. 1 on the piano for my Whitewater audition,” she says.

Landry says she is going to practice more and memorize the piece to prepare for the real thing.

“I practice piano everyday, so I think I will be able to memorize my audition piece. I also need to perform one other song on the piano, which I haven’t decided yet, so if I continue to practice as often as I do, it shouldn’t be too hard to be well prepared,” Landry says.

She says she is excited to attend Whitewater in the fall but is only really interested if she can pursue what she loves: music.

“I want to do well in my audition so I can get into the music program and begin working toward a career in music,” Landry says.


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