Legacy of an American Man | Teen Ink

Legacy of an American Man

April 7, 2014
By Anna Teer Barringer BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
Anna Teer Barringer BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
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“I feel very strongly that all men who have no medical reason not to serve, should serve in our country’s military.” Russell Newton Barringer Jr. said as he talked about his legacy in America’s military. Barringer ended his military career in 1968 as a First Lieutenant, then went to work for his father’s company, West Durham Lumber Co.

“We raised 3 boys who have turned out to be be great parents, who then gave Mary (wife) and me 9 wonderful grandchildren and now one great grandchild! Also, a very successful business career that continues to do well,”. Barringer Jr. was always there for his 3 boys and wife, “Everytime he [Barringer Jr.] had to go to training at Fort Jackson, SC for two weeks,” his son, Russell Newton Barringer lll said “We would go to the beach and he would visit us on weekends.” Barringer Jr. and his wife, Mary Teer Barringer have been married for 58 years and have had 3 children, 9 grand children, and one great grandchild.

“I enjoyed every moment, it was my duty to serve and it brought me a great deal of satisfaction while I served.” Barringer Jr. said. But just because he served 6 months active duty and 12 years in the U.S. Army Reserves doesn’t mean it wasn’t a lasting effect. When he was about 7 years old Pearl Harbor was attacked, starting WWll for America. Whenever a British submarine was torpedoed by German soldiers, the British soldiers would come to Durham and some people would entertain the soldiers. Some soldiers came to Barringer Jr’s house and his family fed them Sunday dinner, which was fried chicken, rice, and green beans.

“The best word to describe what the military does for a person -- it makes you a Patriot! I will always be a Patriot!”

Barringer Jr. is a perfect example of an American, he has always been loyal to his country, his family, and his work. “I would encourage any young person to join the military,” Mary Teer Barringer said when asked what she would say to someone who was thinking about joining the military. Russell Newton Barringer lll said “If somebody wanted to join the military service I would look them right in the eye and thank them. It is a very good thing to do for your country.” “God Bless America,”. My grandfather, Barringer Jr. has taught me to always be responsible and don’t ever be rude. He has influenced me to help someway in the military when I’m older.

The author's comments:
My Grandfather, Russell, was in the Army, and worked his whole life. I want to work with the Army or any branch of the military when I grow up


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