“I try my hardest, and thats all I can do.” | Teen Ink

“I try my hardest, and thats all I can do.”

April 7, 2014
By Jadonp BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
Jadonp BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On the twenty eighth of march I interviewed my grandfather, Bobby. I choose my grandfather for this project because I look up to him. Not only in the way that he’s older and I like him but because I think of him more as a person who has had a long life and has occupied with meaningful activities.”I would like to think that when I die people will remember me not for what I have done but for my family.”

I think that the legacy of my grandfather is work hard no matter what and keep trying. For as long as I can remember my grandfather worked hard and no matter how hard or frustrating something was he kept on trying.”I work hard for my family.” My grandfather set an example for my father and I hope to follow.

Another reason I look up to my grandfather is because he was in the military. My grandfather had to work hard and was recognized multiple times for his hard work. I think of my grandfather as a strong person.A reason is that when he was on his way home from serving in the military his father was hit by a train and died. “When your father dies you have to be there for your family.”

I think that my grandfather is not only a great person to do a project on but is very deserving for the work he has done in his life. “I try and that’s all I can do.” I think that he is a strong individual that has went through a lot. I think my grandfather was a good person to right this on and it helped me realize how much he has been through.

The author's comments:
In my humanities class we were required to write a Feature Article about a figure/hero in our life, I choose my grandfather not only because I respect him but because he has many achievements throughout his life.

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