Salvation Army Bell Ringing Season 2012 | Teen Ink

Salvation Army Bell Ringing Season 2012

December 14, 2012
By Jervias SILVER, Springfield, Illinois
Jervias SILVER, Springfield, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Salvation Army starts bell ringing season headstrong and confident for the year 2012.
According to Major Paul Logan of the Salvation Army (SA), the SA does the red kettle to help the less fortune and help the needy all year around. The money goes into our general operating funds to pay for assistance for needy people and programs throughout the year.
The number of volunteers of the Salvation Army has is unclear, but the SA has one volunteer who rings the entire 38 days 10-12 hours a day.
The SA has generally has 35 locations for bell ringers, the SA sometimes drop old location and welcome new ones.
Logan’s role in bell ringing specifically focuses on the “coordination of the bell-ringing locations and schedules, payroll, any Public Relations, banking and reports to our headquarters (so they can know how the fundraising is going nationally).”
The total amount of money the SA is planning to receive is $455,000. These include checks, money, stocks, sponsors, etc.
Although Logan says there may not be enough bell ringers to cover every location as much as he would like, Logan hopes that next year there will be better organization of the system.


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