Military Man | Teen Ink

Military Man

November 26, 2012
By 5Rafferty GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5Rafferty GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Justin, a senior , will be serving in the military right after he graduates. Justin has known he has wanted to join the military since he was in sixth grade. His family history involves a lot of military service, and that he says is a main reason why he decided to join.

Justin and his friends started talking more about the idea of joining and it then became more of a reality.

“Although my friends may joke about it, they support my decision,” says Justin.

Before he joins the military, Justin plans to join the NROTC (Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps) program to become an engineer and an officer.

The majority of NROTC Midshipmen (officer candidates) join the program immediately after completing high school. Those Midshipmen are either scholarship or College Program Midshipmen. Most college NROTC units are only a part-time commitment during a student’s course of study at a university or college.

To apply for NROTC, candidates have to write an extensive written application and an interview with a Navy representative. Applications must also pass an entrance medical examination process. The Navy pays tuition for scholarship Midshipmen and educational fees.

If accepted into the NROTC program, Justin would want to go to college before he serves and come out an officer. But either way he syas he plans on going to college.

Justin is unsure of how long he wants to stay in the military for.

“It depends on if I enjoy my time while I’m enlisting in my first term,” says Justin.

Justin’s parents are behind him 100% about his decision to enlist. He says they were surprised, but when he told them he could still go to college, they were fine with it.

Justin knows that the benefits of joining the military will suit him.

“I know I will not regret my decision,” says Justin.


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