Alisa Connan: The Woman Behind the Camera | Teen Ink

Alisa Connan: The Woman Behind the Camera

April 2, 2012
By Mockingjay93 BRONZE, Västra Frölunda, Other
Mockingjay93 BRONZE, Västra Frölunda, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Alisa Connan, a woman who strives to take playful and honest pictures that captures that moment, in order to create a creative picture to life. She has a talent to bring her clients at ease during a photo shoot and make them come out of their shell. Her photos have been featured in different magazines such as Vogue and Vanity Fair and probably many more in the future.

She is an amazing woman and I have been lucky enough to get an interview with her.

Alexandria - When did you start with photographing?

Alisa Connan - I decided that I would be a photographer at a very young age - 16 to be exact. For me it was between being a chef and a photographer so I guess I've always been drawn to things I could create and put my own stamp on.

AL - Do you think you would have been a better chef than a photographer?

AC - To be honest, I'm not sure I would have been a good chef... my passion is with people, not food.

AL - Do you decide the "theme" for you photo shoots or do someone else decide?

AC - Every shoot is different. I'm lucky that a lot of the photo shoots I work on I have creative input and freedom with. It's nice when you can get to the stage that you not only trust your own instincts but that other people trust them also. My favourite way to work is when there is a collaboration of ideas and that can be with a range of different people; hair, make-up, stylists, talent or a client.

AL - Is there some model/celebrity that you would love to have in a photo shoot?

AC - I have always had a secret work crush on Winona Ryder… I think she's an incredible actress. 'Reality Bites' is one of my favourite films.

AL - Yeah, she really is an amazing actress. I myself loved her in 'Edward Scissorhands', 'Dracula' and 'The House of the Spirits'.

But you have photographed some famous models and celebrities; have you ever gotten star-struck by one of them?

AC - It's weird; I've never been star-struck on set. It's work for me so it's the kind of environment where that kind of mindset doesn't come into the equation. I have however been star-struck when I see someone I admire unexpectedly. On a recent trip to LA, I was sitting at a table next to January Jones and it was really hard not to just sit and stare at her. She's so beautiful! As she left the restaurant, the paparazzi swarmed in on her and I felt bad for her. I value my privacy way too much to ever want to be famous.

Overall I have to say that Alisa Connan is a really amazing person and photographer, and I would just love to see more of her work in the near future. And I thank Alisa for answering my questions and also Fran for passing on all my questions to Alisa.


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