Why adoption is worth it | Teen Ink

Why adoption is worth it

September 14, 2010
By jorie stanton BRONZE, Scio, New York
jorie stanton BRONZE, Scio, New York
3 articles 12 photos 0 comments

Me: Do you regret giving me up for adoption?
Mom: No, I know that I made the best choice

Me: what happened?
Mom: Well, I was young and pregnant. Your biological father painted a beautiful picture of us living as an amazing family in a beautiful house. However, he became involved with other things and left. I’ve always believed that a child deserves two parents as well as parents that can provide both time and money. I had neither and I knew that you deserved better.

Me: How much did you think about me?
Mom: Ever moment of the day. I still felt you in my arms even if it was just a quick moment right after I had you. The smell of you was with me for the longest time.

Me: What did you do after you gave me up
Mom: I cried… a lot. I thought I would never had a day that I wouldn’t cry. But then I signed up for the air force. It gave me a point and purpose and I made it into a career. I poured everything into it and became something that I am proud of.

Me: yeah it is pretty awesome that my mom is a master sergeant in the U.S Air Force
Mom: haha yes. Make sure you tell that to all the boys

Me: What was going through your head the first time you sat down and wrote a letter to me?
Mom: I wrote that letter about 900 times until it was exactly the way I wanted it. I didn’t know what to say to you or how you would respond. I was scared that you wouldn’t want to have anything to do with me, but I was also thrilled at the same time that something might come out of it.

Me: I didn’t really know what to think either. It was all kind of surreal to me. Being here with you right now is surreal.
Mom: Yes it is. I never even imagined this happening in our future.

Me: My parents sent pictures of me to you every year. What did you think of that?
Mom: It made me really happy that your mom wanted me in your lives. It made me feel accepted and proved even more to me that I made the right choice. I loved seeing your pictures. Most of them are in frames in the house. My favorite one is on the tv stand over there.

Me: What was it like to see me for the first time at my high school graduation?
Mom: amazing. You are so beautiful and I’m so proud of you. Your parents did an amazing job and I am so glad they have you. I wasn’t sure how you would react to seeing me, but when you smiled at me I knew that only good things were to come.

Me: And they definitely have? Flying out to your base in California and being with you for a week was amazing.
Mom: It was amazing. It made me realize that having you in my life was all I needed to feel complete.

Me: it makes me feel complete too. You gave me the most amazing gift in the world; my family. Having them and now having you makes me the luckiest person and I am so thankful for everything you’ve done. You didn’t make the easiest choice, but you made the most selfless and best one. You’ll never know how much it means to me.
Mom: Hearing you say those words while sitting next to me in my home is something I never thought would happen. I don’t’ even know what to say except that I love you.
Me: I love you to mom.

The author's comments:
I was adopted when I was a baby. I also have four adopted siblings from Asia. The running joke in my family is that they bought four Asians and got an American free. When I was 13 my birth mother wrote a letter to me from overseas. She is a master sergeant and was in Kuwait at the time. From that point on we formed an amazing relationship and I eventually met her at my high school graduation that she flew across the country for. Seeing her sitting in the audience as I received my diploma was the most amazing thing I will ever experience in my entire life. She gave me the gift of my family and now its my turn to give her a part on my life. She is an amazing woman that made the most selfless decision in the world.


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