Myra the engineer | Teen Ink

Myra the engineer

April 21, 2010
By Anonymous

Myra O. also nicknamed Mayc is an engineer. Growing up in a poor family she struggled to shuffle supporting her family and going to school. Myra persevered through five years of college and worked hard to become a respectable engineer.

Q: What do you enjoy the most about your job?

A: My salary of course!

Q: How has the economic recession affected your job?

A: There are lots of lay off and there is no job security.

Q: What inspired you to become an engineer?

A: To me it’s not what inspired me it is who inspired me to become an engineer. My dad

and MacGyver inspired me because my dad is an engineer and I look to up to him and I

saw the practicality of engineering in MacGyver’s show.

Q: What obstacles have you faced with your career?

A: I can’t think of one. Well, Mondays are an obstacle. I don’t like waking up on

Mondays and going to work. There’d just something about Monday’s that I don’t like.

It’s probably because it’s after a weekend and I want to sleep in.

Q: How does your current job affect your life?

A: I buy stuff with my salary.

Q: How does your relationship with your co-workers affect your job?

A: Well, I have this stalker at work. It gets very distracting! First, he is not very attractive

and has kids my age. Second, I continuously have to reject him. I even made my best

friend my fake boyfriend. During my vacation in Cancun I even bought an engagement

ring, a cheap one of course. Unfortunately, I get along with all my co-workers and have

to deal with them teasing me about this old stalker guy. But then again they also help me

avoid him. Does that answer your question?

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This article has 1 comment.

misty said...
on Apr. 28 2010 at 6:51 pm
Nice Job Marion!! Keep up the good work.