Interview with Anitha K. | Teen Ink

Interview with Anitha K.

April 21, 2010
By Anonymous

Interview Questions for Anitha K.

Anitha K. is a pharmacistat recently employed.

What got you interested in the field of pharmaceuticals?

Initially I had being trying to get into engineering or medical field and my next option was to get into pharmaceutical or dentistry program. Since my attempt to get into engineering fields was not successful, I opted to go for the pharmaceutical field, as it seems new and challenging to me and also heard that there were more job opportunities in the pharmaceutical area.

What exactly does you job entail?

As a part of the regulatory affairs team, my job primarily involves coordinating activities related to pre submission of applications related to new products, post submission of applications related to marketing products and further maintenance of all applications related to new and approved products. This involves interacting and communicating with team members from other areas, gathering the necessary information, compiling the documentation and then submitting to the regulatory agencies.

How would you describe your workplace?

My employee being a major pharmaceutical company engages in a good working environment for its employees. It is very family oriented and provides opportunities for the employees for professional growth. Lot of educational training and on the job training is available for employees to be successful at their job.

Which specialized education did you receive to be in the position that you are in now and where did you receive it?

I had received a master’s degree in pharmacy specializing in pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy to be in the position I am currently in at my company. I received my master’s degree from Manipal, India and completed related course work in New York, USA.

What parts of your career do you find the most interesting and why?

My job involves being very detailed oriented as lots of verification needs to be done for the data gathered, as they are submitted to regulatory authorities. It gives me an opportunity to know a lot of information about a product from its drug development stage to its commercialization stage. This fascinates me al I get to know a lot about the product, how it is developed, tested on animals, then on humans and finally manufactured and commercialized.

How would you describe an average day at your office?

An average day in the office involves gathering data from people or database, disseminating the required information, compiling the data as needed and then submitting to the various regulating agencies in a timely manner. It involves communication with other team members, sharing ideas and resolving issues to finally get quality submissions.

Is this job better when compared to your previous jobs and why or why not?

My previous job had me exposed to limited areas as it was a small company, but my current job is much better, a it is a larger company and I am involved with more products and more regulating authorities. Also I interact with lot of other team members. It gives me an opportunity to get more learning experience and thereby having professional growth.

On a scale of one to ten what would you give your job and why?

I would give my job a 9 based on my above responses to my job description and company that I am working for being a major pharmaceutical company and manufactures large amount of products and is worldwide.

How long have you been working in the field of pharmaceuticals?

Over 15 years I have being working in the feels of pharmaceuticals in the areas of drug development, manufacturing, testing, regulatory affairs, quality assurance and project management.

What are you most proud of accomplishing through out your whole career?

I would consider that being a part of a company that is involved in developing major break through drugs, supporting company drug submissions to regulatory authorities for approvals and finally being marketed for consumers to help them heal through their ailments makes me feel proud of my accomplishments through out my career.


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