Brian M. Automotive Engineer | Teen Ink

Brian M. Automotive Engineer

April 21, 2010
By Mahmoud BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
Mahmoud BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brian M. is a middle school teacher. He teaches Manufacturing Technology (Shop) and Applied Technology. He went to college taking Automotive Technology. Teaching is currently his full time job. He also takes college courses during his free time.
How did you become interested in your line of profession?
I used to like taking shop class when I was in high school. Also, when I got to college I studied Automotive Technology. After I got my Automotive Tech. degree I sort of was thinking about becoming a teacher. From there everything went on and I found myself in this schooling job. I also went to college taking Physical Ed. / Health.
Have you always wanted to be a teacher and what made you chose to be one?
I hadn’t really wanted or thought about being a teacher until after I went to for Automotive Technology. Then I thought how it would be fun to have things the other way around and for me to be a teacher instead of a student. I also really like working with kids and this job sounded like fun.
What are some of your likes and dislikes about your job?
-One main thing that I like about my job is that I get to work with tools and make things on a regular basis. I also like being around students and making a difference. Another awesome thing is that I have flexibility in what to teach and how much time I get off.
-For things I dislike, I really don’t like waking up early in the morning. With my job in particular there is always a lot of management involved and that’s not one of the fun things to do. Another downside to my job is dealing with student behavioral issues.
How did you come from an eighth grade student to where you are now?
I would say what helped me the most was learning from my mistakes. I’m really reflective on myself and what’s going on. I’ve also always taken a lot of time to set my goals and to know where I want to go. One of my biggest mistakes was not putting a lot of effort in high school and not caring about my grades. What I learned from this was the importance of paying to everything. Information really helps when you get into the job but no matter what you will need hands on experience. After high school everything headed out from there and I studied Automotive Technology.
What does your Daily schedule look like?
Basically on normal days I wake up early in the morning and do my normal routine. I change, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and get my stuff ready. I then head out to work. I teach for seven of nine periods of the day. Once school is over I get the things for the next day ready and leave. During the rest of the evening I either grade papers or do my college grad work. Once all of that is completely done I either work out or relax.
What life lessons have you learned from this job?
I would say one really big life lesson I learned is that you’re always making a difference or influencing someone with everything you do. You probably might not think it but you are. Also you should truly do what you care about no matter what people say.


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