Humans of Parsippany | Teen Ink

Humans of Parsippany

February 5, 2024
By ZA_09 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
ZA_09 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Something that scares me the most is leaving my family because I have lived with my family for my whole life, and even though I have lived in another state without my family for a whole month, the people I lived with were my relatives and my sister. I was also able to FaceTime my parents every day. So yeah if I was not able to talk to my parents every day and living alone, that's something that scares me. I remember I was in second grade, and we went to the Grand Canyon during winter break. We stopped at this gas station because I had to use the bathroom, I let go of my mom’s hand and I got lost for an hour, and we had to cancel something in the trip. Probably in 2020 my great-grandmother died and I never got to hold her for the last time, she was my only great-grandmother, and I had to see them burn her body on Facetime because it was like a tradition. I want to get good grades so I can impress my parents because ever since 6th grade my grades have not been that great, so I'm trying really hard to make them proud. On top of that, I'm the oldest child in my family so my parents expect a lot from me. My current goal right now is to be ready when I go to high school because so many of my friends are going to either Votech or Magnet and I just hope I will be able to find all my classes well and make new friends.”

The author's comments:

An interview with my friend


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