Thank you, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank you, Veteran

March 12, 2018
By 8giorgi SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8giorgi SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

I want to start this off by saying, welcome home! I am aware that when you initially came home from your time serving, you did not get the warm welcome that you deserved. I want to make sure that you know you and your service is appreciated by millions of people, and that you should have gotten the happy welcome home when you came back. Your commitment to this country is beyond amazing, and for that I want to say thank you.

My name is Jacquelyn Giorgi, and I am writing this letter to thank you for all of the sacrifices you made, and for your commitment to serving this beautiful country. I have recently watched the Honor Flight movie, and I was beyond amazed by the amounts of letters and mail veterans get when coming home. I couldn’t wait to do my part and show how grateful I am for your sacrifices and service.

I could never imagine having to leave my home and my family to go somewhere I had never been before. The fact that you were strong enough to leave everything behind, and go to an unknown place to serve your country, shows how significant you are, and how much you matter to everyone who lives here. If it wasn’t for you and everything you have done, we as Americans would not be able to call this place the land of the free. I will be forever grateful to call this place home, because of you and your dedication. 

I am very sorry that you did not get a nice welcome back, when first coming home. But your dedication to this country inspires me to be brave, and to never stop believing. I cannot begin to thank you enough for the sacrifices you have made, and for your commitment to serving this country. So again, I would like to say, welcome home!

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