Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

March 9, 2018
By lucky23 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
lucky23 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Good afternoon, Vietnam Veteran,

I hope you enjoyed your time visiting the memorials in our country’s capital. How special it must have been to witness a part of the beauty you and the rest of your servicemen created. I hope you are surrounded by positivity and warm hearts today. Welcome home!

I am a senior in high school and I am eighteen years old. After learning about the Vietnam War in class, it is to my understanding that you were the same age as me when it was your time to serve. I can’t even begin to imagine leaving my life in Wisconsin to travel overseas. The amount of courage you had and how much you sacrificed is inspiring to me and my generation to do things for the greater good. I am thankful for you.

Even though we may never meet, I felt compelled to write you this letter not only because you are a veteran, but because you are a Vietnam veteran. It breaks my heart that you and the rest of your servicemen didn’t get the proper support you more than deserved. I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been to go through this journey alone, without the love from family and friends when it was needed the most.

Although you did not get the proper welcome home years ago, I am hoping you are feeling the love today. Please know that now, the whole country is behind you. We are beyond thankful for you.

Thank you for your service. Thank you for pushing forward in a challenging time when our country was at crossroads. Thank you for being strong, when others could not. Thank you for believing in the American Dream. People like you are the foundation of our country and I will be forever thankful.

Again, welcome home!


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