Victorious Veteran | Teen Ink

Victorious Veteran

March 9, 2018
By 11Eleven11 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11Eleven11 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Patience is not just about waiting for something… it’s about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting.” This quote by Joyce Meyer explains the ideology of waiting as many of you had to endure. Waiting for so much throughout your life: waiting to see if you were drafted, waiting to pursue your dreams, waiting for a proper congratulations, well today the waiting is over.  The realization of preparing for war at my age while my biggest worry is what college I will attend is something I can barely fathom.  The strength, courage and patience that you portrayed throughout and after the war cannot be measured in any length of gratitude, but today, decades later, you will receive the proper recognition for your many sacrifices.

I am eighteen years old and a senior in high school. I plan on studying mechanical engineering at a four year university after graduating in June. After watching the Honor Flight film I became inspired to show my gratitude to those who have served the United States and understand more of what veterans had to endure during their service and after returning home.

When I visited Washington D.C. I saw the massive black granite wall with over fifty-eight thousand names of fallen soldiers, many of who were the same age as me. This memory and my appreciation renders me to give you the utmost respect for your courage and sacrifice. You decided to hold your personal aspirations to fight a war for the betterment of our country. After watching many videos and analyzing veterans I realized that the war does not stop when you come home. The stress and anxiety that can be triggered anytime is what keeps the war in your mind for the rest of your life. This mental toughness, sacrifice and courage is the reason why being a veteran is such a high honor. I would like to be the first to welcome you home from your journey into the past and congratulate you on being a Vietnam Veteran.

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