Letter to a Vietnam Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Vietnam Veteran

March 9, 2018
By Anonymous

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

I would like to start out by giving you a much-deserved welcome home, and I would like to thank you for all that you have done for me and for the rest of my country.

It is well known that when you came home from Vietnam, you were treated unfairly by strangers and even loved ones. You put your life on the line, fighting every day in one of the longest and most challenging wars in American history—fighting for your family, friends, and strangers’ freedoms. Fighting for the basic principle of freedom, that we as Americans take for granted because of your heroism, and that most people took for granted when you returned home as you weren’t recognized for your courageous work.

My name is Brady, and I have always been a supporter of veterans, especially those of the Vietnam War like yourself. I am especially appreciative of Vietnam Veterans because you experienced some of the toughest battles and the worst traumas, and fought in some of the nastiest conditions, but were so greatly underappreciated.
I visited the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. in 2011 and it broke my heart when I learned about what you have been through, and how poorly you were treated when you returned. Your battle was not only one of the most physically demanding, but also mentally and emotionally draining, and it hurts to think about how you were recognized as an enemy when you returned, because you were the one that put yourself out in danger to fight for and protect your loved ones.

Many people may not realize how important you are to American history as well as our individual lives. We get to live today in this amazing country with so much freedom because of your courage, determination and sacrifice. Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have people like you risking your life to defend my rights. You are a true hero.

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