My Role Model | Teen Ink

My Role Model

January 31, 2014
By Anonymous

“If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen no matter how easy or hard it may be” is a common quote my sister, Kyle, says to me whenever I feel like giving up on something. Kyle is 21 years old and she has blondish-brown hair and blue-green eyes. She is very determined and hardworking. When she is given a job to do, she never does less than her best at it. Kyle is one of the most dedicated, determined, intelligent, unselfish people I have ever met and I’m very thankful I am able to call her my sister.

My sister hasn’t always been so dedicated about some things, like school, as she is now. In high school she was going through some hard times. She was not as determined to do good in school so she really didn’t try as hard as she could. Throughout her sophomore and part of junior year, she was always out with friends or going to parties. My sister had some problems that she couldn’t deal with on her own, so my parents brought her to a counselor. After a few sessions and getting to know Kyle, the counselor realized that most of the complications and issues were coming from home. The counselor suggested that she should get out of her environment she was living in for a short amount of time to see if that would change anything. So, during the summer of sophomore year going into junior year she had moved to her friend’s house for about a month. Although it saddened me that she was gone; however, I now realize she did this to help make her relationship with my parents better and stronger. My sister soon got over all of her conflicts and started to focus on more than just her friends.

Once Kyle started college, she was more determined to do better in school than ever. Her first two years of college were at College of Lake County because she wasn’t quite sure was she wanted to be. Once she realized that she wanted to be a social worker she went to her third year of college at Northeastern Illinois University. While she was at CLC, she worked hard for scholarships, and got student loans because she was paying for a majority of her school while my grandma was paying the rest. Seeing her do well in school made me want to try harder. My freshman year I had exceptional grades, but during the third term I had no drive to do well. I had my worst subject that term which was math. I would ask my sister to help with me with my math homework, and even though she had to finish all of her homework and projects for her school, she put those aside to help me. Math was not a favorite subject of hers either, but she tried her hardest to help me. Before I had asked her for help, I was failing math because I never turned in any of my assignments. When third and fourth term ended, I had finished with B’s for both terms. Now that my sister is almost done with school and is graduating in May, she is interning at the zacharias center. The zacharias center is a sexual abuse center and my sister goes to different schools and talks to all grades about sexual harassment. It inspires kids and teenagers to do the right thing, and it makes kids more comfortable to come forward if they have faced any kind of sexual abuse. She told me a time when she went to Waukegan Middle School, and she was talking to the students that if they have ever experienced some kind of sexual harassment that they should not keep it a secret, and that they should tell someone right away. So, after the presentation two girls had gone to the police officer that was in the room with them and told them that they were either raped or molested by a family member. One of the girls had gotten sexually abused by a family member within 48 hours of the presentation. It’s moving and intriguing hearing my sister talk about all the different schools she goes to every week and hear about the different kinds of people there. While my sister is a non-paid intern and a full time students, she also has a job. My sister is a waitress at Hong Kong Chop Suey, while I am a cashier there. Kyle had gotten me a job two summers ago. I am grateful that she got me the job because it’s very difficult to find a job anywhere else and it was comforting to be able to work with someone I knew. While Kyle is inspiring and motivating new people everyday, she still manages to amaze me everyday with the things she accomplishes.

Although my sister and I may fight a lot, I look up to her the most for many reasons. I look up to her for when I need help with school or work, when I need advice, or when I just want someone to talk to. My sister is a great role model because she is the type of person to get over her struggles and obstacles and be very successful. She made me realize that whenever I’m having a bad day, that I will be able to get through it. Whenever she says “If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen no matter how easy or hard it may be” I look back and notice all of her achievements and recognize that I can do anything I set my mind to.

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