No Lies | Teen Ink

No Lies

December 20, 2013
By Anonymous

It is often said that people come into our lives for a reason, season or lifetime. I am blessed enough to have had Ludovica in my life for a season, and I hope I will have her for a lifetime. On my first day at a new school, I was extremely worried because she was constantly staring at me. It was clear she was popular and so I knew I didn't want to get on her bad side. Teachers often paired us to work together and I began to get to know her better. She began opening up to me and telling me about her tough past. I was amazed at what a strong person she was. But what struck me most about my friend was her ability to never lie, yet never hurt anyone's feelings. If she didn't like something or someone, Ludo had the ability to keep her mouth shut and not make any comment. If someone directly asks her, she manages to come up with a response that is fair, kind and honest. Although she has had a bit of a bumpy past, Ludovica is my a friend, an idol, a sister, and everything I want to be.

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