friends | Teen Ink


May 14, 2013
By Abbie Holldorf BRONZE, Sterling, Illinois
Abbie Holldorf BRONZE, Sterling, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I didn’t have my friends, I don’t know what I would do. There’s days when all I want is to be alone because I’m upset. But, my friends would not let me be alone so they can cheer me up. They always answer my phone calls, especially when they know I’m upset, so they can help me through the problem. If I could write down all the memories we have, I would die of laughter.
The sad thing is, all my friends are starting college and having to move away. They are all just a drive away now, but in a couple of months, they will be a phone call away. I know that growing up is exciting and happy for someone but it’s hard when my friends have to grow up when I’m still in high school. Either way, some of us will stay in touch, or we will never talk again and have to move on.
There is a good coming from this though. The good thing is that I will always share that bond with all of those girls and will never forget the memories, secrets, experiences, and laughter we all share with each other. We may not have been friends all our lives but as of right now, even though they are leaving for college, we will be friends forever.

Abbie Holldorf

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