A Christmas Wish | Teen Ink

A Christmas Wish

May 12, 2010
By Anonymous

Annabelle Lee was one of the prettiest seven year old girls you would ever meet. There was one thing wrong in her life. She was homeless, and didn’t have a family. She had the option to be in Foster Homes, but she chose not to.

She lived on the sides of the street, and she had this cardboard box she slept in at night where all the homeless people live. It was winter time, December 19th to be exact. The town was decorated beautifully. There were Christmas lights everywhere, houses were decorated with blow-up dolls. It was snowing lightly, and there was Christmas music playing everywhere in the town. It was peaceful. It was a really nice, small town.

Annabelle, though, was not in good shape herself. She had this brown coat that she wore all the time, and this ragged, gray shirt that had stains all over it. She was wearing jeans, which clearly didn’t fit her anymore. And, well, she had no shoes. Her feet were so cold. But her face, her face was beautiful. She had rosy red cheeks, and she had brown curly hair that was shoulder length. Annabelle had light, light blue eyes. Lighter than the sky. They were gorgeous. She had this black beret on, which she found in a dumpster somewhere to keep her head warm.

She goes to the library every once and awhile, and the librarian is nice enough to give her some food so she doesn’t starve.

When people walk by her, they don’t know what to think. Her clothes are a mess, but her face is adorable. Nobody really talks to her. When parents are window shopping with their kids, some of the kids talk to her, but that’s just about it. All she wishes if for someone to love her and care for her.

She prays each night before she goes to bed, thanks the Lord for life, and making sure she’s safe. But she also prays for someone to love her back.

One night, when it was really chilly, there was a man, around the age of twenty-nine, who was window shopping with his puppy, who was a yellow lab. He saw her, and went over to her.

She said hello, and he said hi back. He said his name was Carter, and he lives right down the road in a small cottage, where you can see the whole village.

He talked to her for awhile, about life, and how it is to live on the side of the street. He told her the when he was younger, he was homeless too, and no one ever cared for him. He told her how he cared for himself, and got to the place he is now.

Carter asked her if she would like to get to know him better, and then he can be kind of like a father to her. Annabell’s whole face lit up at that moment, because she finally knew her Christmas wish would come true.

The author's comments:
I went to see the movie, "A Christmas Carol," and it inspired me to write this story.

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