Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

May 6, 2019
By Anonymous

As I don’t know a lot about World War II, I have much respect and gratitude toward you and your willingness to go off the fight for this country. I am currently 17, soon to be 18, and I have not even thought of the Military or Army as an option. As it was not an option for many people who went and fought, I see them as a hero. You fought for this country by choice or otherwise and I commend you for all you have done. You are an inspiration and a hero.

My grandfather used to fly airplanes for the Canadian Air Force but has retired since my mom had kids. As this is my only connection I know of in my family, I am very grateful for those who have served. My best friends mom was in the Military before we were born, however her left hand is now paralyzed from doing her job. These two have brought me to be more curious about people’s stories and about experiences overall. How were you feeling at 18 when drafted? Or even how was the day to day lifestyle? Did you ever get mail? Or something as little as did you have a picture of family with you? And with any answers I have received--good, bad, or otherwise--I am always just truly amazed.

I thank you for stepping up and travelling somewhere you have (most likely) never been before. The courage that must have taken is an amount I could never possess. I thank you for the actions you have taken to protect this country. The bravery it must have taken is truly remarkable. I thank you for your service and the sacrifices you have made. The ambition it must have taken is encouraging. You are a hero.

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