Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

January 4, 2019
By sportygirl SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
sportygirl SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

Thank you for your service, I am forever grateful for the sacrifices you made for our country. After watching the Honor Flight movie, I was inspired to write a letter to show how appreciative I am. I wouldn’t have the life I live without people like you.

I watched the Honor Flight film in class at school, and this film showed what veterans did on the day of the Honor Flight, from the beginning of the day until the very end. I didn’t know much about this event until I watched this movie and was informed from teachers and classmates. During the movie, veterans traveled to look at their War Memorials. Also, veterans were interviewed to express what freedom meant to them and what this experience was like for them. I saw the emotion and gratitude in their interviews, so that is why I wanted to personally express my gratitude for all that YOU have done!

My name is Maggie and I am 18 years old. High school graduation is near, and I plan on going to a four year college and earning a degree in the science and health field. At this time in your life, serving our country is what you did instead of going to school. I couldn’t imagine fighting for our country at such a young age. Having courage, being selfless, and a tremendous love for our country are traits you have.

I like to call veterans my heros. You protect our country and are idealized for your bravery and strength—physically and mentally. Thank you for your service and welcome home.



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