MSGT Howie Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

MSGT Howie Educator of the Year

June 6, 2018
By tylercampen BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
tylercampen BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a teacher that you will remember for your whole life? Well MSGT Howie is that teacher for me. MSGT Howie is a caring, fun teacher and marine. He fought for me and you, and now teaches the people of the future. He wants all of his students/cadets to be the best they can be, and it’s his job to push us.

MSGT Howie always strives for more, pushing all of us to the limit. He helps us meet our full potential, never allowing us to give up whether it is academic or physical fitness. With his military background, it is important to him for all of us to be the best we can be. He differs from many teachers because of this reason.

MSGT Howie is a very funny, honest person. He tells us very funny but sometimes very serious and memorable stories of him in the marines. His experiences that he tells us helps us be a better person by showing us his courtesies. Many students look forward to having class with MSGT Howie.

The way he teaches helps me differ between him and other educators. The way he teaches the curriculum is a very exciting and different way from others. We have a lot of hands on activities such as carrying wounded people, saving someone’s life by using CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver.

MSGT Howie is an interesting man who differs from most educators. He strives for more, giving us cadets confidence of achieving our goals. His funny attitude and stories make the whole learning experience fun and memorable. He cares about all cadets, and is a very respected man in many people’s eyes.

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