Mrs. Foreman | Teen Ink

Mrs. Foreman

June 6, 2018
By Elougheed5 BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
Elougheed5 BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In life everyone has someone who motivated them to be where they are today.  Who was that person to you? Some may say a friend, a family member, a celebrity… anyone. For me that person was my teacher Mrs. Foreman.  Who is Mrs. Foreman? She was my 7th grade social studies teacher at HB Dupont Middle school. Mrs. Foreman wasn’t like any teacher; she was so much more than that.  She was that teacher who would talk to you about your problems, knew when you're sad, help you with school work, and most importantly she was a leader and a role model to follow. She all around excelled in everything, from motivating me and my classmates each and every day, teaching me good life lessons, and simply just being a good person. That is why I nominated Mrs. Foreman for Educator of the Year.

In addition to Mrs. Foreman being my teacher she was also my basketball coach at HB.  Mrs. Foreman never knew much about basketball, but there was one thing she had that kept everyone going. Heart. Whenever anyone was down, whether it was about school, sports, friends, family, anything, she was there. Also, I can’t and never will forget the numerous valuable life lessons she taught all throughout my middle school. Mrs. Foreman knew what I was capable of.  So she pushed me, and motivated me everyday to not only do my best but do better. Everyday she would push me towards my goals. Other than just motivating me whenever there was any day anyone or I was sad, she would make sure to turn your attitude around and look at the positives. One day in class (around Christmas time) everyone in the class just looked sad and dreary. We all were doing our work when Mrs. Foreman immediately tells everyone to take a break and put some Christmas music on and have fun. Hence, that is just a couple of reasons I chose Mrs. Forema for Educator of the Year.

When I say she wasn't any ordinary teacher, she wasn’t.  She cared for each and everyone of her students as her own. And most teachers say do say that… but do they really mean it?  With Mrs. Foreman without a question she meant it and in many ways proved it. One way she proved to me and my classmates that she meant what she said was a way that touches me still to this day.  Every month at HB we do practice lockdown drills to make sure were prepared for any situations that come our way. Well, one day we had a lockdown drill, and we weren’t sure whether or not it was real or not so we all just sat in silence hoping the announcements would go off saying it’s a practice drill, or Mrs. Foreman would say it’s just practice.  But this time it really wasn’t a practice drill. Mrs. Foreman stood up and said no matter what happens she will go before any of us do, and they are not going to touch any of us without going through her first. Thinking back about that moment and how scared everyone was including her too and she got up and told us that in a scary situation like that speaks volumes. To conclude, that is the ways Mrs. Foreman showed true bravery and showed each and every one of us she cared.

A big thing Mrs. Foreman stood by and teaches all of her students is to fight for what you believe is right.  She everyday would have a new inspiring quote on the chalkboard. They talked about school school, relationships, anything.  But she everyday made sure to get one message across. The message that if you think something is wrong, you go and fight to change that in a respectful and or peaceful way.  One time an event occured where I got in trouble at school; however, I believed I was wrongfully accused. I talked to Mrs. Foreman about it, and she not only was there to listen to my problems, but she gave me ideas/ways to fix and or go about solving my problem.  She encouraged me to write a letter apologizing, but also write a letter expressing my reasons as to why I don’t think I deserve the punishment. From all of her lessons and lectures and advice on all of that, she provided me with a good understanding and good perspective to look out on all situations that are to come my way in the future. Therefore, Mrs. Foreman gave me the ability and knowledge of how to fight for what I believe in.

To conclude, Mrs. Foreman is by no means your average teacher. She is brave, a leader, she cares, a role model, kind, smart, and so much more.  She is someone I hope I can one day live up to be. She not only provided me with a great education, but provided me with so many life skills, and motivated me to do amazing things.  And truly I am thankful to have had her as a teacher. Not many kids can look back and say they had a teacher like Mrs. Foreman. She all around shined in everything, from motivating me and my classmates each and every day, teaching me good life lessons, and simply just being a good person.  That is why I chose Mrs. Foreman for Educator of the Year, due to not only being my teacher, but someone I look up to.

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