Mrs. Pisani | Teen Ink

Mrs. Pisani

June 5, 2018
By kriscam BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
kriscam BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many teachers who have an impact on my Freshman year experience at DMA. However, the teacher that I am nominating is Mrs. Pisani. Mrs. Pisani is nice, enthusiastic, and genuinely cares about each one of her students; she is a great role model.

Mrs. Pisani is my Math teacher. As you know, entering high school can be very nerve racking and overwhelming. Since day one Mrs. Pisani has made the transition from grade school to high school seemless. She makes you feel comfortable during class, she never makes you feel silly for asking a question and is always positive and nice. I know that I can ask her as many questions as I need to, and she will never get frustrated with me.

During my first marking period I got a B in math. However, Mrs. Pisani went out on maternity leave, and I was counting down the days until she returned. I did not do as well in math while she was out on leave. Mrs. Pisani has a unique teaching skill. She ensures the class understands the material before moving on to something else. She will walk around the room asking if anyone needs any help, and if you do, she is right there to provide assistance. She will even take time out of her own day to stay after school for extra help. Mrs. Pisani genuinely cares about each one of her student’s success.

Lastly, Mrs. Pisani is a great role model. Everyday she comes to class happy and does not let anything ruin her day. She is kind to everyone, and her upbeat personality is contagious. She inspires me to do the best that I can do.

William Arthur Ward wrote: The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. Mrs. Pisani is the teacher who inspires and brings out the best in her students. Please consider Mrs. Pisani as the Educator of the year.

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