My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

May 11, 2018
By kzunk GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kzunk GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every day I go to school, I go throughout my day aching for band class. It’s my favorite class with my favorite peers, and my favorite teachers. Arrowhead High School had an amazing teacher in the band program - for two years I was taught by Mrs. Stacey Zwirlein, one of the most genuine, kind-hearted, and patient women I’ve ever met. She was always friendly and approachable, she was just one of those people, you know?

My first day of band freshman year Concert Band was incredibly fun. It was, essentially, when we first met as student and teacher. Our meeting didn’t feel extraordinary at the time, but I didn’t know I would make one of the most important relationships of my life. We got to work right away and sight read some pieces for our first concert. Throughout the year I quickly figured out how willing she is to help, like tech support. 

Mrs. Z is helpful, in any way she could be. She was always open to extra help and had extra methods of teaching in the classroom. Every once in awhile she would hand out these rhythm sheets, they were (usually colorful) sheets with different rhythms on the front and back. We’d usually clap or play them on a B flat chord. These would help me because I’ve struggled with rhythm throughout my music career.

During my year in Symphonic Band, I was a junior who became more experienced and eager to try out the interesting pieces Mrs. Z chose for us. Mrs. Z always had a knack for choosing works that are unique and a blast to play. Sometimes I would imagine her in the music library thinking, “what can I pick to shake up their experience?” Marching band was something else - I never experienced musically before and it opened my eyes. During my years in Marching Band with her, I had many experiences that she and Mr. P, the other band director, planned. 

Along with other opportunities in the band program, they host a trip every other year. Last year’s trip was in Ireland, and it was a journey, Mrs. Z being a contributor.  When we were rehearsing in the states for Ireland, she encouraged us to practice outside of rehearsal time, because we didn’t have much time to work with. I, and the rest of the band, felt inspired to take Ireland by storm.

All I’m saying is these are some of many examples that Mrs. Z is an amazing music teacher. As a person who is passionate and head over heels about music, I appreciate being taught by someone who feels the same way. Mrs. Stacey Zwirlein is an inspirer.

The author's comments:

I wrote about the educator that meant most to me. 

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