Inspiring Educator | Teen Ink

Inspiring Educator

May 9, 2018
By 8janssen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
8janssen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have always struggled getting up in the morning to come to school for things I’ve continuously believed were useless for my future career. I have gone all four years of Arrowhead Union high school despising science, I have never found joy in trying to memorize different concepts and ideas people have created to describe something simple.

My senior year of high school consisted of general physics with Mr. Corry. I entered his class the first day in uncertainty and worry of how bad my potential grade would be in the class. A week into physics, I learned the basic idea of forces; I loved it. The unique idea of how Newton’s laws work and how we can’t always see but yet amazes us at the eyes. Just like we can’t see air moving a balloon in the wind but we know that it is there acting as a force. The simple yet complex thoughts and ideas of physics peak my interest. From lab to lab I found enjoyment in experimenting with the different concepts learned in class. After multiple experiments I have learned that even though I may not enjoy something, there is always a way to make it more fun and interesting.
Going to six hour physics became the best part of my school day. I looked forward to entering those classroom doors. Mr. Corry’s personality would brighten the classroom mood with his constant smiles to goofy jokes. He found a way to turn a physics class into something enjoyable and exciting. Even though I am no longer in physics with Mr. Corry, I still have the chance to see him in the halls and start up a small conversation or just wave. With just those quick interactions in the hall any bad mood i’m in turns into a slight smile. He has a way with students that I’ve noticed with others than just me, he is able to bring joy into his students school day and life. 

Dancing his way through difficult subjects makes the material easier to understand. He has a dance to remember how forces act and look when in a free body diagram. Mr. Corry finds simple ways to get his students to comprehend the learning targets and have fun while doing class work. You can tell a compassionate teacher from one who is not, Mr. Corry loves what he does and you can tell by the way he approaches his teaching techniques. He wants his students to enjoy learning about the things he has an ambitious drive for. Mr. Corry has a way to motivate the class to participate and get involved in the activities he plans. I strongly believe this is what makes a teacher a good teacher. One who is willing to try different things to get the message across and have the lesson plans stick with the kids as they go on with life after you have completed physics.

I loved going into his class, unafraid to answer any question thrown at me, because for the first time I had felt a close understanding to almost all of the material learned within that room. Mr. Corry’s compassion and high interest in the topic allowed comfort in asking questions and made it easier to follow along and participate in class. He was able to find a fun way to demonstrate and teach what used to be boring topics in an exciting way. I was always willing to participate in his class because of his teaching methods.

Mr. Corry found a new way of teaching a topic that I once despised. He was able to turn it into something most teacher haven’t: something enjoyable and intriguing. I have never met a teach who was able to give me such a great understanding of science before. I enjoyed his class so much that I began looking into new possibilities of my future major. His physics class had opened up my eyes of greater possibilities and showed me how you can become very good at something you have passion for, even if it’s school related.

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