Mrs. Koch | Teen Ink

Mrs. Koch

February 15, 2024
By Brookejordan879 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Brookejordan879 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I remember walking into my first day of junior year, at Arrowhead Union High School, hundreds of kids in the halls at a time. I wondered if it was obvious that I had been stressing over this one, single class. Chemistry. I was never good at science, and no matter how much I tried or how much helped I asked for, my weaknesses never became strengths.

I walked into Mrs. Koch’s classroom and immediately, my stress was lifted off my shoulders. The brightest, bubbliest, biggest smile across her face, welcoming every student who would walk into her classroom. Her energetic personality and acceptance instantly showed what kind of person she is. 
I never had joy or excitement for a science class, yet Mrs. Koch made it so easy to be enthusiastic over something I had dreaded for years. As the year progressed, there were hardships and times when I seemed lost in the class; however, Mrs. Koch never failed to reach out and help me. The words “My door is always open” gave every student a safe and judgment free space. 
I began to find myself in her classroom every day during my free period—even when I didn’t need help with chemistry. Junior year hit me and all my friends like a hurricane. Mrs. Koch was always there to listen to my stress about college and even help me pick classes for my senior year. 

 I could always walk in and expect a bright smile from Mrs. Koch; even when she had loads of papers to grade, she never turned me away.  Especially on my worst days, I knew I could go into her room to talk or to even sit and do my homework. I am forever grateful that I reached out to Mrs. Koch for help when I needed it. 

High school contained some of the hardest years for me, but after walking into chemistry that day, I knew I had someone at school who was there and supported me no matter what. I thank Mrs. Koch for that. 

She seemed to always know if something was wrong even when I didn’t say it and she never failed to let me know that I could always talk to her, even when it had nothing to do with her class or even school. 
Aside from teaching, she never failed to have the biggest smile on her face when talking about her family. Whether it was how her kids did at their tournament this weekend or just giving personally experienced advice from what she has learned about teenagers from teaching, and raising her own. 

As junior year came to a close, I realized a pattern. Mrs. Koch’s sweet, optimistic, and supportive personality inspired every single one of her students to go off into the world and do what they love, and I will always thank her for that. 

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