Mrs. Martin | Teen Ink

Mrs. Martin

February 14, 2024
By 5roy BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5roy BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I mumbled to her, “I don’t think I can do it.” The tears in my eyes started to roll down my face and the emotion started to show, why am I not performing like I know I can?

Coach Martin's big smile turned to a frightened worried look, I remember her keeping me past the bell into my next hour. She stopped, and stayed with me–letting me talk about what was going on. 

Normally I hate showing emotion in front of people and talking about my emotions and struggles. In the moment though, I knew I needed to talk to someone beside my parents just to let it all out. 

When I first met Coach Martin, I was a sophomore on her Arrowhead Varsity Softball team, she immediately had a lasting impact on me.

Throughout the season Coach Martin became someone I saw daily which allowed me to see the person she truly was. 

She was an energetic, bright, and hard working coach; she’s not only a coach, but also a passionate PE and health teacher at Arrowhead, and a caring mother. She never has to mention her love for her family based on her beaming smile when they come to support her coaching and passion for the game of softball. Besides her love for her family, she is very supportive of the players on her softball team. Coach Martin makes each player feel like they are a part of one big family. 

No matter the time of day, she is dedicated to her work, team, and students. I find it inspirational seeing her put time and effort into the sport that impacts her. 

I remember having to take a final for a class I was missing because our team was going to state. I was sitting in the hallway taking the final when Coach Martin approached me and asked if I wanted to take it in her room because it was quiet and empty. I remember listening to her scout the team we were going to be playing at state and the time she took out of her days to succeed as a coach and a team made me appreciate her more and more. 

Talking to Coach Martin is something I couldn’t do with anyone else besides my parents. Talking to her during passing periods or during practices made me forget about everything else that was going on in my life. Coach Martin never kept me from talking to her, she always took time to listen to anyone, whether it was about school and softball or just life in general. 

Coach Martin is the inspiring, talented, and dedicated person that I look up to and remember everyday. Thank you Coach Martin for pushing me to be the best player and person I could be through all my ups and downs. I will forever be grateful for the season of softball that you coached me through. 

I will forever remember Coach Martin as inspirational and one of a kind. 

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