Mr. Posick | Teen Ink

Mr. Posick

February 15, 2023
By Anonymous

As a young kid, I was just a fireball waiting to explode, a kid who at every jab towards him, would punch twice as hard. A kid who with any few friends he had that would try and help, would explode towards. 

One of my few friends at the time, Mr. Posick, my Merton Intermediate principal, was to me the greatest friend I have ever had. 

Mr. Posick was there to help not only me but everyone else around him. He wasn't the principal that stayed in his office all day doing his work, he took time out of his day to stop into every classroom, to check in on the students and teachers, to make sure everyone was doing okay, and if they weren't, he was the one to step in, which always made me see him as someone that was there for me.

The year going into 5th grade, I moved to a new middle school after my family had moved out of the district. When we moved into the Merton district, it was time to go to a new school where I had been given the task to make new friends out of new faces. A simple task for some turned into a challenging one for me. 

My first year was the worst year of my life, with no friends and nobody to stand by, Mr. Posick made it his goal to help me, to turn me in the right direction to become a better person, no matter how many times I had freaked out at him, calling him names, he would take the jabs, calmly sitting there, letting me take out my anger on him, anything to calm me down.

He took me on walks, he took me to a room with a punching bag, he let me shoot hoops when I was upset, and not only did he just let me do those things, he did them with me because he was always there for me, which always made me feel like I had someone.

Nobody was there for me like Mr. Posick was, and because of him, because of the time he took to try and make me a better person, to calm me down, I am the person I am today, and I could not have done it without my best friend, Mr. Posick.

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